This woman claims her daughter came out as a tranny at only 2 years old. What 2 year old has the self awareness to know the difference between boys and girls, much less having enough knowledge of this to know they are a tranny?
Children want all sorts of things. When my niece was 6 years old, she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her reply was that she wanted to be the tooth fairy. Her Kindergarten classmates wanted to be lawyers, doctors, accountants, football players, and one even wanted to be a monster truck driver.
When you hear a 6 year old saying he wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant, what you are really hearing is a child who is reflecting what his or her parents want. At six years old, children model the behavior of the person they see as their mentor. The same is true of children who want to be trannies.
At six years old, children do not yet comprehend the difference between boys and girls. For a girl to want to be a boy, there has to be a parent who is pushing them to want it. Maybe there is an older sibling or relative that is getting more attention from a parent, or maybe she is the only female child in the group and feels outcast.
One thing it isn’t is a desire of sexuality. My guess is that, in this case, the parent WANTS her to be a tranny. Why else write an entire article about it? This is another example of using children as political pawns. Stop grooming children to be your sexual toys.