Ridiculous Tranny Nonsense

This woman claims her daughter came out as a tranny at only 2 years old. What 2 year old has the self awareness to know the difference between boys and girls, much less having enough knowledge of this to know they are a tranny?

Children want all sorts of things. When my niece was 6 years old, she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her reply was that she wanted to be the tooth fairy. Her Kindergarten classmates wanted to be lawyers, doctors, accountants, football players, and one even wanted to be a monster truck driver.

When you hear a 6 year old saying he wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant, what you are really hearing is a child who is reflecting what his or her parents want. At six years old, children model the behavior of the person they see as their mentor. The same is true of children who want to be trannies.

At six years old, children do not yet comprehend the difference between boys and girls. For a girl to want to be a boy, there has to be a parent who is pushing them to want it. Maybe there is an older sibling or relative that is getting more attention from a parent, or maybe she is the only female child in the group and feels outcast.

One thing it isn’t is a desire of sexuality. My guess is that, in this case, the parent WANTS her to be a tranny. Why else write an entire article about it? This is another example of using children as political pawns. Stop grooming children to be your sexual toys.

Girlfriend contract

I saw this story about a woman who came up with a 17 page “contract” that her boyfriend was expected to sign– just two weeks after they began dating. Her demands included things like he pay for date nights, buy flowers twice a month, and work out five times a week.

Reducing relationships to be a business matter? You think you get date nights paid for, flowers every two weeks, and I have to stay in shape? What do I get?

OK. But if this is going to be a contract, here is my counter offer:

I agree to stipulate to your conditions. However, I have a few of my own:

  • Blowjobs at least once a week. If you fail to perform in this manner, I get to fuck someone else.
  • If at any time, you are unable or unwilling to perform in a sexual manner, I get to fuck someone else.
  • If you gain more than 10 pounds, your flowers and paid nights out cease until that weight is lost, and I get to fuck someone else.
  • If at any time, the woman has an affair, there is a penalty clause. You agree that this places you in immediate default, and must pay an “early termination fee” equal to one half the cost of all date nights for the previous 6 months.

Don’t like those? Then I am not signing your one way contract that benefits only you. You demanding this shows that you have no respect for your man.

The man? Him signing it proves that he has no respect for himself. This woman is a selfish bitch. He is an effeminate cuck.


A Republican from Manhattan posts:

I have said plenty of times on this very site: Just because the Democrats are your enemy doesn’t mean that the Republicans are your friend.

Science is dead

Why? When colleges can do studies like this one: Does your organization use gender inclusive forms? Nurses’ confusion about trans* terminology You know that science is dead. It was paid for and conducted by San Francisco State University. The conclusion of the study (as if you can’t guess) was:

Results: Only 5% reported use of gender inclusive forms, 44% did not know about inclusive forms, 37% did not understand what a gender inclusive form was and 14% confused gender with sexual orientation.

Conclusion: The study demonstrated a critical need for education in gender identity and sexual orientation terminology.

Relevance to clinical practice: The lack of understanding of concepts and terminology may affect basic care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients especially those who identify as transgender.

The fusion of science and politics. I would suggest that science is dead. This is also why tuition is so high. They need to pay for stuff like this.


In a move to prevent theft, Home Depot is going to start selling power tools that must be electronically activated before leaving the store, or else they won’t work.

I don’t like this at all. How long will it be before companies follow Tesla’s example and begin selling tools as a subscription service, where you must pay a monthly fee in order to use power tools?

Remember the great reset? In 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy about it


The skateboard wielding Antifa terrorist in this video admits to committing a felony. He admits on camera to using hairspray as a weapon. Since the label on that can says it is a violation of Federal law to use that product in a manner inconsistent with its instructions, spraying it on a camera or in someone else’s face is a Federal crime.

Not only that, but I have seen enough skateboards used as weapons to consider everyone wielding one as a threat.

All of this to protect the “rights” of a tranny to show his dick to little girls in a public bathroom.

Math and logic fail

United wants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 100% before the end of 2050. Math says reducing anything by 100% means none. How do you transport passengers without emitting ANY CO2?

I will tell you: lawyers. You use legal technicalities like claiming electric aircraft, carbon credits, and carbon offsets actually mean anything.

Of course, AOC claims that the propellers on this electric aircraft also function as wind turbines, making this airplane truly green, as it can recharge its own batteries in flight.

Shut up

A former Olympic athlete comes forward with the real story behind trannies in Olympic sports. It seems as though many female athletes are opposed to competing against girls with cocks, but they were threatened into silence.

We were told not to talk to the media and were warned that if we did we could bring the sport into disrepute and then could miss out on being selected or could be dropped from national teams.

These young women were forced into silence by the powers that be who threatened them with an end to their Olympic careers if they spoke out. Then the trannies took their place on the Olympic team, ending these young women’s careers anyway.