Carbon scam

Three years ago, I blogged about a company that claimed they were making fuel from the carbon dioxide in the air. I outlined the reasons why this was a scam.

Now the same exact company has changed their sales pitch. They are now claiming that they can suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, store it in the ground, and the pitch even uses the same pictures and footage.

These companies are using pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo to trick people into giving them grant money to save the planet.

Teaching the truth

If you believe that there are two genders, you cannot be a teacher in the state of New York, as one teaching student by the name of Owen Stevens discovered. Mr. Stevens was suspended by the state university from his teaching certification program for posting on Instagram that he believes that “a man is a man, and a woman is a woman.” This, they claim, means that he cannot create an environment that is inclusive of all students. His suspension will continue until he completes a reeducation program and renounces his earlier statements. The Dean of the college claims that future teachers are required to support all aspects of homosexuality and gender identity.

To his credit, Mr. Stevens is refusing to do so. The Dean told Stevens that his scientific stance on biology is “in conflict” with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act. A SUNY Geneseo spokeswoman said that the school does not believe that it is infringing on any student’s right to free speech.

“Although we cannot comment on any particular student, SUNY Geneseo respects every student’s right to freedom of speech and expression,” the spokeswoman said. “By choosing to enter into certain professional fields, students agree to abide by the professional standards of their chosen field. At times, these professional standards dictate that students act and behave in certain ways that may differ from their personal predilections.”

Up until this school year, I taught Biology. When we reached the section on human genetics and reproduction, I would talk about how the X and Y chromosomes determined if a person was a male or a female. I would always get the question about transgender. My statement was like this: “When you get down to basics, the Y chromosome has one job: it tells the developing fetus to grow a penis, and tells it to develop male secondary sex and gender characteristics. So a person either has a Y chromosome and a penis, or they don’t. Male or female, that’s it. Anything else is not supported by biology and would fall into the realm of psychology.”

Every once in awhile, a student would reply with: “What about those born with intersex characteristics, where they have both sets of genitals?” To which I would reply, “That is a birth defect, an abnormality in fetal development. When children are born without arms, we do not declare them to be snakes, likewise, a child born with incomplete dual genitalia are abnormal. They do not define the rest of human development. Such individuals are less than one in a thousand live births, and do not excuse people with normal genitalia for the delusional belief that they can select their own biology, even when their DNA plainly states otherwise. That is a psychological problem, not a biological one.”

That statement would mean that I am not qualified to teach in New York.

Gun free zone signs don’t work

A shooting at AdventHealth Celebration. That is a failure of gunfree zone signs. As I have posted before, that hospital has signs up.

The sign is misleading. Chapter 790 only prohibits weapons and firearms in a pharmacy, and even so, law enforcement and those licensed to carry concealed weapons are exempt. Since you are prohibited from carry firearms unless you fall into either of those categories, that particular law is redundant. There are no laws prohibiting a person with a concealed weapons permit from carrying a weapon in a hospital, nor do signs carry the force of law in this state.

Even so, the law prohibiting weapons in a pharmacy does not extend to the entire hospital, just to the portion of the hospital that is the pharmacy. This sign is deliberately misleading, which indicates to me that the SDA church (who owns the hospital) is being less than honest when it comes to this signage.

I ignore the sign and enter with my weapon anyway, and so do the criminals, apparently.


Texans who couldn’t go to work because of the winter storm, they were told that they could either burn vacation or forfeit the pay for the days that they didn’t work. They are incensed, and I don’t understand why.

When a Hurricane hits in Florida, we have it the same way. Not getting paid when you aren’t at work isn’t anything new- why would you expect to get paid when you aren’t working?

Why should their employers pay them for days they were off work? Expecting the company to do that is expecting your employer to insure you against lost wages for acts of nature. Isn’t that what insurance is for?

Support animal tenant scam

I am a landlord. I allow my tenants to have pets, but they must pay an extra, nonrefundable, one-time cleaning fee of $250 when they move in, and I charge an extra $50 a month. This is because pets cause me extra expenses. My insurance costs are higher because of the risk of a dog biting someone. It costs more to clean a home after animals have lived there, and that doesn’t mention the added risks of damage to the property.

I cannot do that any longer. The reason for that is because of people like my sister. My sister has gone online and gotten her pet certified as an emotional support animal. It costs $129 online to get a letter from a licensed therapist, certifying that you are disabled and have a disability requiring that landlords let you keep your pet, and preventing them from charging you extra. (I was going to provide a link, but I decided not to drive business their way)

Last year, Florida passed a law allowing landlords to demand a letter from a licensed healthcare provider, and requiring the provider to have seen the tenant in person at least once. I could do that, but it entails a lot of risk on my part- you see, the law is a minefield. Play it wrong, use the wrong wording, and you get sued under the Fair Housing Act.

So instead, I will simply price that risk into everyone’s lease. I will charge more for a security deposit for everyone. I will charge more in rent for everyone.

A few scammers make it more expensive for everyone.

But what if they identify as men?

Back in 2019, the Army noticed that 84% of women were failing the service’s new ‘gender neutral’ physical fitness test, while only 30 percent of men failed it. The Army then had to admit what the woke crowd won’t: it doesn’t matter what you THINK you are or identify as, men have a physiological advantage over women.

In typical government fashion, they didn’t fix the problem by finally admitting that women can’t, in fact perform as well as men do in combat. Nope, instead, after two years of studying the problem, Congress simply got rid of the test. Problem solved. So now, troops that look like this will be more widespread:

So that way we can accommodate more soldiers who look like this:

Ejército de cabrones

Destroying women’s sports

The world record for men in the 1500m race is 3:26, a full 24 seconds faster than women.

A time of 4 minutes at the 1500m mens race at the 2018 Gold coast games would not have even made the finals. The slowest man in the finals ran the race in 3:53.43. (pdf alert)

The fastest woman ran the same race in 4:00.71.(pdf alert) The thing is, the person who won wasn’t a woman. It was a man who isn’t fast enough to compete against the men, so has chosen to identify as a woman. Watch the race, and see that this “woman” has a clear physique advantage over real women, the fastest of whom ran the race in 4:03.09. (Youtube won’t let me embed this one. Just go to 3:56 to see the end of the race)