Who do you cheer for? The tyrannical soulless government crapbags who insist in violating your rights, or the mentally unbalanced teen who demands that you play along in his delusion that a penis is really a vagina? Can we hope that both of them lose?
Tranny Insanity
Science is dead
Why? When colleges can do studies like this one: Does your organization use gender inclusive forms? Nurses’ confusion about trans* terminology You know that science is dead. It was paid for and conducted by San Francisco State University. The conclusion of the study (as if you can’t guess) was:
Results: Only 5% reported use of gender inclusive forms, 44% did not know about inclusive forms, 37% did not understand what a gender inclusive form was and 14% confused gender with sexual orientation.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated a critical need for education in gender identity and sexual orientation terminology.
Relevance to clinical practice: The lack of understanding of concepts and terminology may affect basic care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients especially those who identify as transgender.
The fusion of science and politics. I would suggest that science is dead. This is also why tuition is so high. They need to pay for stuff like this.
Tranny Insanity
The skateboard wielding Antifa terrorist in this video admits to committing a felony. He admits on camera to using hairspray as a weapon. Since the label on that can says it is a violation of Federal law to use that product in a manner inconsistent with its instructions, spraying it on a camera or in someone else’s face is a Federal crime.
Not only that, but I have seen enough skateboards used as weapons to consider everyone wielding one as a threat.
All of this to protect the “rights” of a tranny to show his dick to little girls in a public bathroom.