Anyone who votes for Democrats can’t claim to be a supporter of women.
Cancel Culture
Go Broke
Bud Light sales are down 17% since partnering with trannies. Companies need to learn.
Tranny Insanity
A trannny EMT tried to use his medical training to prove that sex is not binary. His argument was completely dismantled when the speaker asked him how he’d respond to a patient with a penis who claims he’s having a miscarriage.
Tranny Insanity
Now that guns are illegal in Canada, there goes free speech. It is about to be a crime to say anything that offends a member of the alphabet brigade:
It has been said that the 2A protects the other rights. If we allow RKBA to be taken from us, the rest of our rights will follow.
Tranny Insanity
Party of Science, My Left Foot
An anthropology professor claims that you cannot tell whether or not a skeleton belongs to a male or a female. Of course, that is demonstrably false. The pelvis of a skeleton alone tells you whether or not the skeleton belongs to a male or a female.
There is an oval shaped hole in the pelvis called the pelvic inlet. In females, the pelvic inlet has a larger diameter in the left/right axis than it does front to back. In males, it is larger in the front/back axis than it is in the left/right.
At the base of the pelvis, there is a structure called the public arch. In females, the angle of the pubic arch is greater than or equal to 90 degrees, and in males it is less than 90 degrees.
Both of these facts are due to the fact that the female pelvis needs to accommodate the head of a fetus during childbirth. This isn’t open for debate, it’s merely scientific fact. There are those who would claim that those born with a trisomy at the 23rd chromosome means that we can’t use DNA to define a man or a woman. I say that’s bullshit. There are many birth defects that involve trisomies, but those are genetic defects, abnormalities that occur less than 5 times in every 1,000 births. It certainly doesn’t mean that the person with this abnormality gets to pick whether or not they are a man or woman on any given day of the week.
That doesn’t stop major universities and healthcare facilities from playing this stupid, woke game. The University of Florida runs its own healthcare system, called UFHealth. That system runs a total of 11 hospitals in the north central Florida region. That University also has declared an official transgender policy(pdf warning):
Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Repeated use of incorrect pronouns can be offensive, harassing, and hostile! Research has demonstrated that respecting someone’s pronouns creates a safe, welcoming space and can have positive health outcomes
They are permitting patients to register as either male or female, whatever they choose. Why not let people register as being a whale, or a unicorn? If I can pick my gender, facts be damned, then why not let me pick my own species? Can I identify as someone who gets free healthcare?
If you come in to the emergency room and tell me that you are having problems urinating, you are going to get a totally different set of lab tests if you are a man than if you are a woman.
The left is not the party of science, and as long as they continue to ignore objective reality, they can’t realistically claim to be.
Anti American left
Define Woman
The Broward County school board can’t define what a woman is, yet they want to be in charge of educating kids.
More About the Nashville Shooting
So an update to the douche canoe that shot up the Nashville school. The transgender, whose pronouns are now was/were, was a student there in 2006. This delusional piece of human shit originally looked at shooting up a different school, but selected the private school as a secondary target because the primary target had security that would have made successfully killing a bunch of kids more difficult. Gun free school zones resulted in death this week, and there is no other way around it.
Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake said that Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure.
per the New York Post
The police in this case did a good job, even advancing on the school while under fire. (Take THAT, Uvalde pussies.) Still, the shooter had 14 minutes to shoot and kill people. They claim that the shooter didn’t have any mental problems, but that is false. Delusionally believing that you are a different sex than you are is a delusion, and its a mental problem, even if political correctness has removed it from the DSM.
The assailant was armed with a Kel-Tec SUB2000 carbine (9mm), a Smith and Wesson Shield EZ (9mm), and a Lead Star Arms grunt (5.56mm). Only one of them was legally a rifle, and it fires pistol cartridges. Still, the usual suspects are lining up to demand more gun control, specifically a new AWB. There are even some calling for the banning of all guns. I don’t see any of that happening in my lifetime, short of someone seizing control of the government and outlawing Congress. Both parties get too much in fundraising cash by using this as a wedge issue.
Still, there are many who are pointing out that Congress is debating gun control, and exactly on cue, there is a mentally deranged person shooting up a school. It happens like clockwork.
TN School Shooter is a Tranny
Notice how the press isn’t really spreading that around? Yeah, the shooter is described as a 28 year old female former student named Audrey Hale. I thought that was odd, mostly because the vast majority of school shooters are men, and 28 years old is a bit old for a former student to be holding a grudge. After all, the school only teaches to 6th grade, meaning that this loon wasn’t a student there for at least the past 16 years.
It turns out, not so much. The shooter, according to the Nashville Police Chief, is a man who claims to be a woman: a tranny. (Confirmed with a second source here)
While police initially described the suspect as a 28-year-old white woman, social media profiles under Hale’s name list he/him pronouns. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said at a press conference Monday afternoon that Hale was transgender.
The police also revealed that this shooting was planned for some time, with the date being chosen for some sort of significance as stated in his manifesto (don’t the usually have a manifesto?).
A search of Hale’s home turned up “maps drawn of the school, in detail, so, surveillance, entry points, et cetera,” Drake said. Cops also found a manifesto and “some writings that pertain to this date, the actual incident… of how this was all going to take place.”
They even stereotypically described him as “quiet” and a bit of a loner. I’m sure that he chose the school because it was a soft target. Of course, the left is already dancing in the blood of the victims and demanding that we “do something” meaning, of course, ban guns and is already lining up to say that the shooter’s gender is irrelevant to the shooting.
I say that the fact that the shooter is transgender IS relevant to the facts of the shooting, since we know that 32-50% of transgenders are suicidal. Perhaps its time to add anyone with gender dysphoria to the NICS prohibited database. Now that puts the left in a quandry- they will be forced to choose one or the other- admit that firearms ownership is a civil right for everyone, or that transgenders have mental problems that justify denying firearms ownership.
Anti American left
Garbage, Not Science
I saw this a week or so ago, and wanted to comment, but hey, lots of things going on. There is this study being talked about that claims resumes with they/them listed as pronouns are more likely to be overlooked than other resumes. It’s a garbage study. Let me explain:
The flaw lies in the methods of the researchers. They sent two sets of identical resumes in to prospective employers in an effort to test “whether or not the inclusion of gender-neutral pronouns impacts how employers perceive resumes.” Both featured a gender-ambiguous name, ‘Taylor Williams.’ The only difference between the test and control resumes was the presence of gender pronouns on the test version. The test resume included “they/them” pronouns under the name in the header.
The flaw here is obvious. In order for a study to be valid, you should conduct the test with the control having only one difference from the test. That difference is called the dependent variable. In this case the dependent variable is the presence or absence of preferred pronouns, NOT the presence or absence of “they/them” as opposed to “he/him” or even “she/her.”
So all they have proven is that people who put preferred pronouns in their resumes are less likely to get hired. They set out to prove that nonbinary applicants were being discriminated against, but all they managed to provide was evidence that employers don’t want the drama of assholes who insist that everyone use their preferred pronouns. It’s my guess that, should the study be repeated with the other pronouns, the results would be similar. The last thing that a company needs is some woke gender pronoun warrior running around, creating drama and potentially suing because they were misgendered.
Companies don’t like drama, they don’t like getting sued. Companies are funny like that.