An NFL player by the name of Tyreek Hill was pulled over in Miami on Sunday for travelling in excess of 80 miles per hour while driving his McClaren 720 in traffic on a road with a 40 mph speed limit. The police wound up pulling him out of the car and handcuffing him. During the game, Hill scored a touchdown and mocked police by mimicking the arrest during his celebration in the end zone.
Hill and his teammates claim that the police used excessive force and there was no reason to pull him out of the car. He claims that he could have been shot if he wasn’t so awesome and famous.
“If I wasn’t Tyreek Hill, Lord knows, I probably would have been, like, worst-case scenario, I would have been shot or would have been locked up” and “put behind bars, you know, for a simple speeding ticket,” Hill told NBC News.
It wasn’t just a simple speeding ticket. Police claim that he was going more than double speed limit in an area where pedestrians were walking to see the game he was about to play in. That’s reckless driving, which is a crime, not a traffic infraction.
Then they go on to blame racism and state that Hill’s lawyers are going to sue.
It’s hard,” Hill said. “I don’t want to bring race into it, but sometimes it gets kind of iffy when you do. What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Lord knows what those guys would have done. I just wanted to make sure I was doing what my uncle always told me to do whenever you’re in a situation like that — put your hands on the steering wheel and just listen.”

Were the cops out of line? Let’s take a look at the body cam.
The first thing that I noticed is that the cops aren’t white. There goes the racism charge. We all know that in today’s environment, you can’t be racist unless you are white.
The second thing you see is that the first words out of Hill’s mouth are “Don’t knock on my window like that,” which is setting the stage for how you will be treated. He says something else, followed by “Do what you gotta do,” then rolls his window back up. His windows are tinted far darker than Florida law allows, and it is impossible to see into the car. That is a sure recipe for a cop to demand your windows be rolled down, and that is exactly what happened.
When the cop again knocks on the window, Hill gives more attitude, so he is told to get out of the car. Hill doesn’t comply, so the cops threaten to break the window. As the cops are pulling him out of the car, Hill is busy calling his agent or perhaps the teams security chief ( both are named Drew) for help on the phone.
As they finish cuffing him, several of his teammates show up and begin interfering with the traffic stop. One of them eventually gets cuffed as well.
“Tyreek was in handcuffs for like 20 minutes, probably more. Team security came and was able to squash everything. Other officers pulled up — I think some superior officers pulled up. And everything worked out. But it was a crazy situation. It was not necessary.”
Note that the USA today article spends a good bit of time detailing the football accomplishments of the people involved in the incident: NFL man of the year, Heisman this, statistics on the football field that. Also there was Hill’s agent and the director of team security. Any bets on whether or not the director of team security is a former cop, and that’s why Hill was let go with only a ticket? The team had this to say:
It is both maddening and heartbreaking to watch the very people we trust to protect our community use such unnecessary force and hostility towards these players, yet it is also a reminder that not every situation like this ends in peace, as we are grateful this one did,” they said in part. “‘What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?’ is a question that will carry with resounding impact.
The Dolphins also called on the Miami-Dade Police Department to take “swift and strong action against the officers who engaged in such despicable behavior.”

What if he wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Well, he would not have gotten out of driving nearly 100 mph on a surface street without a valid driver’s license, that’s for sure. The left keeps lecturing us on how “no one is above the law,” but that isn’t true, and everyone knows it. Although he was cited for speeding, reckless driving, and driving without a valid license, there are currently no pending traffic tickets in Miami-Dade’s system for him. They have been magically erased.
The cop is on a paid suspension pending an investigation.
My opinion on what caused this incident to escalate of control?
This isn’t a race issue. It’s an issue of entitlement. He’s good at playing a child’s game, and for that reason he has never had to follow the rules. Schools don’t discipline them as children, because they are good at sports. The same happens as adults. They are the puppy from Starship Troopers- never disciplined, then everyone is surprised when they turn out to be criminals with no respect for the law or the rules. You know what? They are right- being good at playing with a ball means being too rich and famous to follow the same laws that the rest of us must follow.
GuardDuck · September 10, 2024 at 9:22 am
I started watching the bodycam footage. All I knew before that was the headlines. Didn’t know what they pulled him over for. Didn’t know what they cuffed him for.
Within the first minute of the bodycam I saw exactly what his behavior was and know exactly why they pulled him out of the car.
Didn’t even need to watch them do that or know how his continued behavior was going to result in them cuffing him.
Seen it all before.
Kafiroon · September 10, 2024 at 10:40 am
Dad taught me about attitude and consequences when I was very young.
IcyReaper · September 10, 2024 at 10:43 am
Does this really surprise anyone? These canadian’s are savages that gt to where they are because they are good at a game. Most of them couldn’t pass high school and colleges take care of their fake grades as long as the FB team wins. They do lots of bad stuff in college and pros and get away with it And they are always the victims.
Then they get paid obscene millions of dollars salaries for doing nothing worthwhile but entertain the sheeple and us the normies have to pay more and more thru cable or sat fees or others sourses to pay for thier salaries. And must worship them as well, don’t try and not buy those $300 sneakers with their names on it. While they preach how bad we are. Their bad behavior is rewarded time and time again.
That’s why I said fuck the NFL and Pro sports dont need them and the fake black national anthem.
To me the fix for alot of our problems is simple. WE make the fucking country run. So we just take some time off to prove a point. No more transportation, electricity, food, heat, A/C, first responders, nothing happens it all STOPS for a set time. Then it starts back up and we ask do you understand now and if the response is the same. Then Fuck you we just turn the country off and watch it burn until they learn who makes all this work…..
If they dont like it then go live in the wonderful advanced culture haven of Wakanda and live in your own society. Oh that’s right that’s a fake thing you haven’t ever built a fucking thing other than stick huts and art made of hippo dung.
Sorry for the rant. When I went to college, I had to pay for it no one else and was working at night to support my family. I worked my ass off for grades while the football team savages in my classes got great grades and never fucking showed up. When I called the professor on this I got berated for racism and was told they were doing their work at the practice facility. Funny how the rest of us had to do work and take tests in the classrooms.
Dirty little secret was a friend was doing tutoring and he told me the truth that the tutors got big bucks for tutoring no one but it was for doing the homework and taking tests for them. So he didn’t have to work after school to pay his bills that was was the football boosters jobs.
jimmyPx · September 10, 2024 at 11:19 am
“They are the puppy from Starship Troopers- never disciplined, then everyone is surprised when they turn out to be criminals with no respect for the law or the rules.”
You are so right and what happens in 10 years when he is no longer in the NFL and doesn’t have them covering for him ?
He’ll be like all of the other FORMER pro athletes who keep acting the fool and now are locked up in jail and they don’t understand why.
Wait for a few years when Deshaun Watson is out of the NFL. His sex pest ways haven’t stopped and he thinks that he did nothing wrong. I forsee a small room with bars on the door in his future.
Wilson · September 10, 2024 at 12:01 pm
The negros know that they are in the special class, can do anything they want. Hope the po po charge him with enough to make him think twice .
Charlie · September 10, 2024 at 12:18 pm
Poor Tyreek! Just puttering around in his McLaren, minding his own bidness and being hassled by the raaycist cops. It would be great to see the entitled racist prick have his license revoked and see him pick up trash alongside a highway. But none of that will happen.
Dirty Dingus McGee · September 10, 2024 at 1:36 pm
I find my self in a quandary, do I root for the power tripping cops or the sainted black fuball player? Same issue I had during the “summer of love” and the blm “protests”. Can we just admit that both experiments have gone off the rails and an adjustment is needed?
I wasn’t brought up hating cops or blacks, my favorite uncle was a cop and I’ve worked with plenty of blacks over the years. But in the last 2-3 decades relations with both have gone off the rails. I don’t think it was my thinking or actions that changed my perceptions of both, it was theirs. These days I wouldn’t piss on most of either if they were on fire.
Fred · September 10, 2024 at 3:56 pm
There’s a world of difference between a black man and a nigger. This is exactly why self respecting people quit watching the NFL…
Southernborne · September 10, 2024 at 4:03 pm
Can’t find the reference to the speed,has it been deep sixed?
Divemedic · September 10, 2024 at 4:26 pm
Possibly. I saw 103 originally. Now all they will say is that he was charged with speeding and reckless driving. In Florida, more than 30 mph over the limit can become reckless.
His agent also said that he was charged with not having a valid license.
Univ of Saigon 68 · September 10, 2024 at 7:38 pm
I learned how to respond to a traffic stop by watch in COPS (on Fox). Smile, give him your license & insurance, don’t mouth off. And if you think he’s being an authoritarian jerk, respond to it in court, not on the street.
oldvet50 · September 11, 2024 at 10:49 am
You’re probably the same age as me, so it’s probably a generational thing, this respect for police. I know there are a lot of jerks that are cops and there are a whole lot of good ones. Their upper management, though, is probably 90% a-holes.
oldvet50 · September 11, 2024 at 10:46 am
I wonder how many cops NOW believe they have a “strong and positive relationship with the Miami-Dade Police” ???
J J · September 11, 2024 at 11:21 am
Reason number 5,321,959 to not care about the NFL or any other professional sport (including college football thugs).
Gryphon · September 11, 2024 at 12:53 pm
The Fact that this niggerball player was Immediately Released after a Felony Arrest, so it could ‘Play’ in the Game just shows the Influence the (((owners))) have throughout the Nation. It is an obvious Fact that the local Chief of Police received a Call from a (((lawyer))) from the ‘League’ and was Instructed, in no uncertain terms, to Release their Employee.
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