Get ready for Cruella Pantsuit and the Cackler is not happy about it.
I love the smell of CPUSA (D) commie FAIL at any hour.
It smells like…victory.
· July 20, 2024 at 9:11 pm
These delegates believe that they have some choice or duty that will determine their vote and who will be nominated. They are mistaken.
The Democrats can make a change to the rules five minutes into the convention which releases the delegates from their supposed commitments and allows the “super-delegates” to vote on the first round of choices. It’s like “Calvinball” from the comic strip.
Game over.
The people who actually decide for the Democrat party will get whoever they want for the nomination. I do not believe that will be Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris.
· July 20, 2024 at 9:48 pm
Reaping what they have sown. I hope that brain dead POS Biden stays in the race as long as he/it can. The deep and hopefully permanent fracture of the Socialist DemoRat party is the best thing that could have possibly happened for the county. The cancer that is the ‘Rat party has been exposed, just hope that the ignorant sheep see it for what it is.
· July 21, 2024 at 12:42 am
Fuck that, Politico doesn’t need to “check” my security profile or conditions to allow me to continue. They want to download something more than cookies on my computer, hell, even by clicking that URL could have loaded something I do not want on my computer. Maybe a heads up next time to your readers before posting a link like that. I review every link that is posted in comments at BN and I have deleted some that where questionable, or defaming or click bait. Phil and me are the final arbiters and no appeals.
· July 21, 2024 at 8:23 am
I dont know what you are talking about.
· July 21, 2024 at 10:38 am
I clicked on the link you provided, it directed me to a page from Politico saying it was checking my security profile on my computer. It asked permission to continue. I backed out of the page I have never seen that type of redirect and statement before and I have followed links to Politico on other blogs. I just checked it and the link took me directly to the page you provided. Maybe it did leave cookies on my computer during that time. I checked after that message and saw no cookies recently added. Perhaps it didn’t like my browser? I am not blaming you. Perhaps others clicking on the link did not experience the redirect.
· July 21, 2024 at 12:48 pm
This appears to have been malware distributed to the Politico site by a fraudulent advertiser.
It is a common method to infiltrate systems. The site owners usually don’t know they are being used for this. The “security notices” are sometimes tailored to the website, but more often claim to be from Microsoft or an antivirus vendor.
Never click on links from such message or permit those pages to run any programs on your system.
Bigus Macus
· July 21, 2024 at 2:33 am
It’s interesting watching the infighting between the different factions. The Hilliary camp latest.
· July 21, 2024 at 6:06 am
If you want insight into the more “moderate” liberals mind about the Trumpster please wander over to Six Bears in the Woods blog and read todays post “Like it or not”.
At least UNLIKE Comrade Misfit allows posts that disagree with his postings.
He’s nearly a neighbor of mine and generally willing to discuss (A LITTLE) about his thoughts, so I count him as a “moderate” liberal.
So, 40% of my neighbors AND 60% of my fellow hospital coworkers are moderate liberals in NH. So, I learn to listen as well as bloviate about “throat punching” as some are wont to do.
· July 21, 2024 at 6:54 am
““But imagine the fury if a sitting vice president who is a black woman were passed over for any of the other candidates,” Brancolini added.”
There’s the onion, eh? I LOVE Liberal Tears!
““What I was in tears about was Biden’s poor performance,””
Well, YES! You foisted an illegally-placed pResident upon the Nation and watched him destroy us for 3.5 years. Now you’re crying about FJB’s poor debate performance? Did I say that I LOVE Liberal Tears?
· July 21, 2024 at 8:26 am
I think it’s past time to first, eliminate any democrat candidate from any race. They and their communism need to be erased and refused a voice. Next, we need to start rounding them up and either relocate them to a place of their own or eliminate them. We can start the purge with the known candidates and those who’ve served or been elected and then move on to the voter rolls. I for one have simply had enough of their nonsense and bullshit, see them for the danger they are, and don’t care if they exist.
· July 21, 2024 at 10:57 am
I don’t understand how anyone politically aware can have been surprised by Bidens debate performance.
I’ve been aware of his decline since the last election – his high level supporters should be MORE aware of him than I am!
· July 21, 2024 at 11:36 am
All true, But what about the big picture here. Most folks with half a brain knows the truth and still nothing is really being done about it. Too senile to be tried for classified material disclose but still good to go as President, WTF. Who is running the country? Is it Obama? Is it the agency heads?
And the Big One: We keep fucking with the Russians and Chinese to start a war but who has the nuclear codes and would the military really listen to these fucks? Probably would with the cuck generals now
This country has become Kamala, we are laying on our backs with our legs spread wide and asking for all to come and fuck us….
Dan D.
· July 21, 2024 at 12:43 pm
I am merely entertained, nothing more. The gates of Hell shall not prevail.
Everyone just remember to find a healthy balance between this poisonous news intake and your PT and medical training (I suggest 2%:98%).
· July 21, 2024 at 1:11 pm
DM is investing and blogging about his solar system, which is a good idea. I’m afraid I’ve invested WAYYY too much in Popcorn Futures to afford my own solar. Oh well, I’ll be rich or die laughing, either is a good way to go. ROFLMFAO
Let me start this post with a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon from 1988. Have you ever played Monopoly? What if one of the people who is in the game is also the banker, and you Read more…
Leftist pundit Stephen Smith on Trump: “The way that the Trump administration is handling it—’we want the most qualified, we want the smartest’—what you’re really saying is we want White dominance again. That’s what you’re Read more…
The DNC has even abandoned DEI. The DNC chair is Ken Martin, a straight white male socialist, and the vice chair is David Hogg, a straight white antigun socialist male whose claim to fame is Read more…
Kilgore Is Here · July 20, 2024 at 8:56 pm
Get ready for Cruella Pantsuit and the Cackler is not happy about it.
I love the smell of CPUSA (D) commie FAIL at any hour.
It smells like…victory.
Robert · July 20, 2024 at 9:11 pm
These delegates believe that they have some choice or duty that will determine their vote and who will be nominated. They are mistaken.
The Democrats can make a change to the rules five minutes into the convention which releases the delegates from their supposed commitments and allows the “super-delegates” to vote on the first round of choices. It’s like “Calvinball” from the comic strip.
Game over.
The people who actually decide for the Democrat party will get whoever they want for the nomination. I do not believe that will be Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris.
Charlie · July 20, 2024 at 9:48 pm
Reaping what they have sown. I hope that brain dead POS Biden stays in the race as long as he/it can. The deep and hopefully permanent fracture of the Socialist DemoRat party is the best thing that could have possibly happened for the county. The cancer that is the ‘Rat party has been exposed, just hope that the ignorant sheep see it for what it is.
Cederq · July 21, 2024 at 12:42 am
Fuck that, Politico doesn’t need to “check” my security profile or conditions to allow me to continue. They want to download something more than cookies on my computer, hell, even by clicking that URL could have loaded something I do not want on my computer. Maybe a heads up next time to your readers before posting a link like that. I review every link that is posted in comments at BN and I have deleted some that where questionable, or defaming or click bait. Phil and me are the final arbiters and no appeals.
Divemedic · July 21, 2024 at 8:23 am
I dont know what you are talking about.
Cederq · July 21, 2024 at 10:38 am
I clicked on the link you provided, it directed me to a page from Politico saying it was checking my security profile on my computer. It asked permission to continue. I backed out of the page I have never seen that type of redirect and statement before and I have followed links to Politico on other blogs. I just checked it and the link took me directly to the page you provided. Maybe it did leave cookies on my computer during that time. I checked after that message and saw no cookies recently added. Perhaps it didn’t like my browser? I am not blaming you. Perhaps others clicking on the link did not experience the redirect.
Robert · July 21, 2024 at 12:48 pm
This appears to have been malware distributed to the Politico site by a fraudulent advertiser.
It is a common method to infiltrate systems. The site owners usually don’t know they are being used for this. The “security notices” are sometimes tailored to the website, but more often claim to be from Microsoft or an antivirus vendor.
Never click on links from such message or permit those pages to run any programs on your system.
Bigus Macus · July 21, 2024 at 2:33 am
It’s interesting watching the infighting between the different factions. The Hilliary camp latest.
Michael · July 21, 2024 at 6:06 am
If you want insight into the more “moderate” liberals mind about the Trumpster please wander over to Six Bears in the Woods blog and read todays post “Like it or not”.
At least UNLIKE Comrade Misfit allows posts that disagree with his postings.
He’s nearly a neighbor of mine and generally willing to discuss (A LITTLE) about his thoughts, so I count him as a “moderate” liberal.
So, 40% of my neighbors AND 60% of my fellow hospital coworkers are moderate liberals in NH. So, I learn to listen as well as bloviate about “throat punching” as some are wont to do.
TakeAHardLook · July 21, 2024 at 6:54 am
““But imagine the fury if a sitting vice president who is a black woman were passed over for any of the other candidates,” Brancolini added.”
There’s the onion, eh? I LOVE Liberal Tears!
““What I was in tears about was Biden’s poor performance,””
Well, YES! You foisted an illegally-placed pResident upon the Nation and watched him destroy us for 3.5 years. Now you’re crying about FJB’s poor debate performance? Did I say that I LOVE Liberal Tears?
Noway2 · July 21, 2024 at 8:26 am
I think it’s past time to first, eliminate any democrat candidate from any race. They and their communism need to be erased and refused a voice. Next, we need to start rounding them up and either relocate them to a place of their own or eliminate them. We can start the purge with the known candidates and those who’ve served or been elected and then move on to the voter rolls. I for one have simply had enough of their nonsense and bullshit, see them for the danger they are, and don’t care if they exist.
Jonathan · July 21, 2024 at 10:57 am
I don’t understand how anyone politically aware can have been surprised by Bidens debate performance.
I’ve been aware of his decline since the last election – his high level supporters should be MORE aware of him than I am!
IcyReaper · July 21, 2024 at 11:36 am
All true, But what about the big picture here. Most folks with half a brain knows the truth and still nothing is really being done about it. Too senile to be tried for classified material disclose but still good to go as President, WTF. Who is running the country? Is it Obama? Is it the agency heads?
And the Big One: We keep fucking with the Russians and Chinese to start a war but who has the nuclear codes and would the military really listen to these fucks? Probably would with the cuck generals now
This country has become Kamala, we are laying on our backs with our legs spread wide and asking for all to come and fuck us….
Dan D. · July 21, 2024 at 12:43 pm
I am merely entertained, nothing more. The gates of Hell shall not prevail.
Everyone just remember to find a healthy balance between this poisonous news intake and your PT and medical training (I suggest 2%:98%).
EN2 SS · July 21, 2024 at 1:11 pm
DM is investing and blogging about his solar system, which is a good idea. I’m afraid I’ve invested WAYYY too much in Popcorn Futures to afford my own solar. Oh well, I’ll be rich or die laughing, either is a good way to go. ROFLMFAO
Comments are closed.