I may not get all of you, but I promise that I will get at least 10 of you, maybe as many as 40 or 50 of you, if you catch me by surprise. Look around at that crowd you are planning on overrunning my position with. Now figure that 1 in 20, or perhaps as many as half of you aren’t going to live long enough to eat my food. That’s for the first such raid.
After the first such raid, all of us who live out here will be on alert and will take turns standing watch, so we WILL have people on guard duty 24/7. At that point, we can start shooting you when you are still 200 or 300 yards away. How many people can my neighbors and I shoot in the 45 seconds it takes you to run that 300 yards? Keep in mind that we will be armed with AR15s, you know the guns that have 100 clip magazines, can fire 100 bullets per second, and are only good for one thing: killing people.
Anonymous · August 7, 2024 at 1:02 pm
If you make it very far (maybe a block) then I would say that my neighbors and I wouldn’t let you walk or crawl out. To many hunters and current and retired military close by. I’m an old man, awake and asleep at odd times. Wishful thinking, maybe not so much.
D00fu5 · August 7, 2024 at 2:10 pm
It’s hard to rush a barn or home after you step in a post hole with a crap-smeared stake at the bottom.
Divemedic · August 7, 2024 at 2:16 pm
That is kind of my point. They can rush the first place or two, precisely because we aren’t on guard. However, that all changes once the first raid starts.
jimmyPx · August 7, 2024 at 2:23 pm
The guy who wrote the original tweet is assuming that in times of trouble that you will be all alone. He forgets that we have family, friends and neighbors who will share guard duty.
Once they sound the alarm that people are approaching the perimeter, you’ll have at least 10 people with rifles under cover against a bunch of hungry looters who may or not be armed out in the open.
Who do you think will prevail in that situation ?
Boba O'Really · August 7, 2024 at 2:29 pm
Amen. One of my favorite lines from tombstone is very similar to your observations.
“Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe”
oldvet50 · August 7, 2024 at 2:55 pm
Just curious – how many rounds are in each clip of the 100 clip magazines?
Ranger · August 7, 2024 at 8:24 pm
I load forty-eleven rounds into each clip in my 100 clip magazines.
TakeAHardLook · August 8, 2024 at 8:33 am
That’s nothing! Why, I load my Glock with end-to-end stripper clips and–when I hold it sideways (as it is supposed to be held)–I have virtually unlimited ammo.
Yes, unlimited! As in, “I can never run out of ammo.”
Silverfox · August 7, 2024 at 3:01 pm
Heavily wooded rural area this is. Initially, after about three days to a week, the biggest problem will be the neighbors; Followed by the local towns people. A large concern here will be, an arson initiated forest fire as retribution for denying access, or a comrade killed in an attempt. Here, there is sporadic gunfire, some at night; So I believe some people here have night vision of some sort. You can tell whose sighting, practicing and the ones just blastin by the tempo.. I believe only once I’ve heard what sounded like realistic practice with the shots broken up into bursts- As in shooting at multiple targets. I have heard what was either full auto, or a bump stock in use on a couple occasions.
It will be the ones that survive 30 to 60 days through terrorism and looting that will be the real problem. They will be heavily armed, some will have body armor, and potentially drones. All acquired from the dead they left in their trail. As well, those in your own group that never topped off the preps sufficiently to survive a year or more of total chaos. Until the new government arrives supplemented with an army of foreign invaders.
Anonymous · August 7, 2024 at 9:57 pm
> Until the new government arrives supplemented with an army of foreign invaders.
Who is this new government/army containing the hundreds of millions of attackers necessary to genocide 100 million defenders? By what supply lines do they get food and fuel, produced by what billions of taxpayers located where? Why are the American defenders in this situation acting like self-loathing South African farmers, and only doing defense individually per-house without sharing intelligence of enemy movements? You realize poor America in 1776 beat rich Britain, France, etc. because the Atlantic ocean was too expensive to supply armies across? The Pacific ocean is wider.
Pete · August 7, 2024 at 3:18 pm
He has a point that some boomer couple living alone on a farm is going to be toast. People will have to organize a mutual defense and actively patrol the roads surrounding their town.
My worry is that there are so MANY non-whites in this country and they will ALL come boiling out of the cities at some point, looking to take what you have. You can kill the first few hundred perhaps, but the 4th, 5th or 10th wave of zombies will eventually overrun you.
Divemedic · August 7, 2024 at 4:07 pm
In that case, I will take as many with me as I can.
Ranger · August 7, 2024 at 8:29 pm
The goal is to build up a sufficiently large honor guard to escort you into Valhalla. The more you take out in battle, the more to carry you over the rainbow bridge.
Go out like a proper Viking!!
ghostsniper · August 8, 2024 at 9:38 am
The lazy urbanists will cannibalize each other, then, if the survivors make it out here to ruralville they will be massacred in mass post haste. They have no idea the hell that awaits them.
D · August 7, 2024 at 4:51 pm
I’m in the country. We currently have 9 people who can rotate through watches covering things 24/7.
I mean…we could do some fancy scheduling with that.
4 days of working every 1/4th of every 6-hour block followed by 4 days off…and the 9th person constantly gets rotated into the mix so you occasionally get 12 days off.
Or use 8 people who rotate every 3 hours…
Or two people on every 6 hours to watch together or patrol different areas of the property.
Every single one of those 9 people can easily hit a human-sized target at ~100 yards which is more than the distance from the house to the “main” dirt road.
And of course we have dogs. Those bastards will wake the dead any time day or night if they hear a rabbit fart outside.
We’re also in a ~1.5 acre cleared area surrounded by acres of trees…so you either walk up the road (and are an easy target) or you go through the woods. Most of us have ghillie suits. And we have those shotgun blank trip alarms. And there are enough guns for everyone to have an AR-15 or other longer range weapon and a 9mm or 45mm sidearm. Taking any of the small paths through the woods would be stupid as there are cameras, and those shotgun blank alarms. Going through the brush is going to be noisy because it’s all blackberry brambles.
We’ve put it to the test before. Friends came over and we had a huge airsoft tournament. A few hours in, we decided to play a game of “defend the house”. It’s pretty defensible.
Ranger · August 7, 2024 at 8:20 pm
I figure that once we start mounting heads on poles at the perimeter, their enthusiasm will dwindle precipitously…
Exile1981 · August 8, 2024 at 1:02 pm
Lots of open terrain around the homestead, thats why prairies are fun, i can see you coming for 2 days.
Big Country Expat · August 7, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Also, there’s ALWAYS the gruesome ‘examples’ to be made after the fact. Crucifixion of corpses along the axis of entry with warning signs… Heads on LITERAL pikes… Hell, go “full Vlad” and impale the captured wounded and let them scream… things of that nature…
Pretty sure that no one would want to fuck with you after such measures….
Aesop · August 8, 2024 at 9:36 am
there are anatomical supply companies and Halloween stores now.
Stock up on a few “Halloween decoration” life-sized skeletons, dress them in shot-up rags, glue on human hair wigs, and add some decaying bits when the barbed wire goes up, and put up a couple of gruesome displays with some butcher shop leftovers strewn amidst the parts, along with a few homemade cardboard “Looter” signs, and the mob of “starving people” is going to go somewhere else, and they’ll stay upwind as they bypass your patch.
A little creativity can save you pallets of ammunition, and that rotting carcass smell plus the flies sells it like nothing you can imagine.
Anybody brave enough to fuck around and find out after the decorations goes up gets added to the display.
Beans · August 7, 2024 at 8:59 pm
Okay, we’re supposed to believe that starving inner city pukes who don’t know anything past a 4 block radius are going to go out 20 miles or so on foot (because if it collapses so bad they come wandering out of their hell-holes there will be no fuel which means no transport other than shank’s mare) because they’re starving and can’t find food (including other humans and animals) in their own areas?
It’s not like the widespread looting and fires won’t give people even in the city enough notice to hunker down and fort up. People outside of deep urban areas? Yeah. Plenty of time to booby-trap their outer perimeter, block roads, heck actually cut roads and dig other obstacles.
There will be no mpagical left-tard transporter system or even Soros-paid for bus service for the looters.
Half-starved, most-likely sickly people who announce their movement by burning and looting with absolutely no concept of security or tactical movement. Yeah.
And if it’s leftish progressives from the ‘Burbs? Same same. No concept of unit security, tactical movement.
Again, by the time the leftist progressives come zombie-bunching on the rural peoples, roads and trails cut, booby traps.
Will the ‘Burbs be trashed? Depends. Depends on the political base of the ‘burb in question. Again, plenty of warning to fort up, hunker down, get strapped. get prepared to clap.
Some people, like the above poast, need to read up on the Spanish Civil War. or the collapse of Czechoslovakia and Bosnia/Hertegovina. City people preyed upon city people.
Michael · August 8, 2024 at 7:51 am
Some of us were IN Bosnia and noticed thing differently that you it seems.
Let’s discuss HOUSING for example: Almost all homes in the Bosnia area were stone, concrete or newest concreate block construction. Almost fireproof and pretty bullet resistant.
Unless the Molotov got inside the house not a big problem.
Let’s look around at American Homes?
Molotov vs vinyl siding, Hell YA! Burn Baby Burn. All that open air under the vinyl is awesome for a BBQ of the “Defenders”.
Wood siding a little better but a couple of them is serious trouble.
OH I’LL SHOOT them. Do a Little GAME of spot the intruder and see how many BLIND SPOTS your house has.
When I was training to go to Police Acadamy a long time ago (they did OJT to see if you were worth sending back then) I was given a large rubber banded bundle of yellow #2 sharpened pencils to a shooting at a home.
I was amazed how a simple 9mm round could pass through a brick veneer wall, through several interior walls and exit out the window. As there as a few fired we got a lot of pole the #2 through the hole to FIND the path. One bullet was found in the freezer in a lump of meat.
Other shootings I worked showed me how even the bulk 36 grain 22 Long Rifle could penetrate most non brick outer walls and have plenty of power to poke through a few interior walls.
Most American Homes are at best Cover not concealment. All I notice have awesome LARGE Windows to invite Mr. Molotov INSIDE.
Idiots fight from their porch. Outside defensive works are suggested. Yes, that includes road blocks and such.
Kind of hard though if like the Brits are doing the OFFICIALS are against such RAYCESST action.
Plan for reality, you’ll do better.
Michael · August 8, 2024 at 7:54 am
Incomplete post. Local Bosnian Warlords LOVED to use nice country homes with good wells and working septic systems as BASE of Operations.
Trouble is coming. As Sun Tzu said underestimating your enemies and overestimating yourself is failure in action.
Michael · August 10, 2024 at 6:36 am
No edit for comments.
I reversed cover (that stops bullets) with concealment (that hides you from most aimed fire).
City people preying on city people is laughable because it’s like a homeless person robbing a homeless person. It happens often enough but the “Reward” is skinny indeed. Homeless people survive because of charity and dumpster diving in a wasteful society.
After things get crazy weird “Wasted Food” in the dumpster and charity is gone.
Gangs know they need resources to continue to survive and expand.
The rule of 3’s applies to both the Patriot and Gangs.
If weather is nasty like New England’s winter Shelter is as important as safe water.
A mob of blue haired land whales are somewhat dangerous to the unprepared.
A mob of them fired up (street drugs?) and used as a weapon to test and adsorb your fire is a Problem. Easy to shoot up but like the Movie Zulu the REAL THREAT is watching and counting your guns-defenses.
Destroying is easy, any blue haired freak with a Molotov can sneak up while you’re engaging the shooters over there. GOT Reserves and dedicated 365 degree eyes?
Mobs have little tactics, easily shot up as we often brag. But as a distraction for that sneaky person, well…
Got real range cards for your area? Know the blind spots that allow folks to get in danger close unobserved? When I did range cards, I had a card and a friend walking around looking for low spots to walk in. Know every route that provides cover for a walking man’s legs? That area is a shallow fox hole or sneak route for an enemy.
Got trusted friends and trusted family for the sporky times? Trump or whatever Democrats run “Win” things are still falling apart and…
Dan D. · August 7, 2024 at 9:41 pm
There are delusions of grandeur on both sides rivaling movie scripts. But if I had to place a bet it would be on the guy behind cover with that clip-thingy holding two PMAGs together full of LAP rounds and both eyes open to put the holo dot on targets. He also has more work dragging things at the end but he’s still upright. So FAFO.
TakeAHardLook · August 7, 2024 at 10:04 pm
I doubt that any of those inner city gangbanger homies with dey gatts held sideways have any appreciation for the fact that 168 grains propelled by a .308 cartridge always has the right of way.
DocFord · August 8, 2024 at 3:28 am
A couple of articles/blog posts –
Aesop · August 8, 2024 at 9:46 am
This was a comedy post written by someone who doesn’t know what they don’t know.
But seriously,
Given the average ammo supply of gun owners, the likelier ration they could reliably stand off will probably run into the 4- to 5-digit range.
50-100 is range day practice numbers.
Razor wire, punji stakes, and flame weapons will kick off the ball long before any lead starts flying, and anyone looking like a leader is going to lead a short but interesting career, measured in seconds.
After the first 5 or 10 go down, the rest aren’t coming anymore.
Rittenhouse walked away after the first three he tallied took the interest out of the other 500.
And the gunfire is going to let the all the neighbors within earshot know what’s going down.
My guess is that any such mob gets wiped out to the last man the first time they try this, and enthusiasm for repeat performances goes to negative numbers in about 0.2 seconds.
“An armed society is a polite society.” – Robert Heinlein
Frank · August 8, 2024 at 10:06 am
IF one survives the initial assault AND the surviving assaulters retreat……the bodies left behind will have pocket litter that – probably – will provide info on Point of Origin.
With those data Retribution Will Be Scheduled. If one has problems with ants one does not stay awake 24X7 killing individual ants, one destroys the nest and all the ants in it and whatever nests may be nearby. Proactive works better in the long run than retroactive.
Ants are neither smart nor communicative enough to recognize and avoid lethal hazards; humans, in a few cases, might be. A very few cases, so keep your guard up always.
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