Now Sesame Street

So now Sesame Street decides to “develop a groundbreaking racial justice educational framework” by adding black and Spanish muppets to discuss racism. Here is the statement from the company:

All kids need a strong individual and group identity, but racism hurts the healthy development of both. Racism hurts our entire society. Whether you and the children in your care are directly affected by racism or you’re allies of those who are, engaging honestly and directly with little ones is the beginning of building racial literacy (the skills needed to talk thoughtfully about race and to identify and respond to racism). Here are resources to develop children’s understanding, curiosity, resilience, and empathy—and to prepare for the task of building a better world by standing up, standing tall, and standing together.

Here is the video:

This is programming your kids to follow the new “woke” religion that this new dictatorship is based upon. This is pure manipulation. Why couldn’t the show simply stick to teaching letters and numbers, like they have done for decades?

Watch out for informants

There are those out there who would call the FBI in a heartbeat to earn favor with the fibbies. There are gun laws coming- if you choose not to turn in all of your shit, beware those who would drop a dime on you in order to save their own skins.

It may even be a member of your own family. Be careful what you say, and who is listening when you say it.

China isn’t a race, dumbass

The media is accusing this cop of being a racist because he said the COVID-19 virus is from China. I have news for you: China isn’t a race. In fact, the people who live in China are from 56 different ethnicities and speak dozens of different languages.

In your rush to show how woke you are, you display your ignorance and prejudice. My theory is that you who are ‘woke’ are really the bigoted assholes, because you assume that anyone who isn’t like you is not as good as you, and thus deserves your protection.

and yes, COVID is a Chinese virus. It originated in China. Condescending Assholes.

White people should pay. For everything.

This landlord was contacted by a tenant who couldn’t pay rent because he had a medical emergency, then contracted COVID. The tenant was proactive, and I like to think that I would try and work with a tenant that was trying to work with me. At one point, the landlord had her own financial problems and was on food stamps.

I was in agreement with the landlord in this case, until she said this:

“I’m a white person, and there’s generational wealth,” she said.

So white people should pay for the bills of other races, simply because they are white. Isn’t that slavery? They claim it is only fair, since blacks make up 20% of renters, but are 35% of evictions. That is a total bullshit stat. It doesn’t matter how many black renters there are, what matters is how many black renters are not paying their rent.

George Floyd doesn’t have jack shit to do with my tenants or whether or not they are paying their rent. I also don’t understand how that makes any of this my problem.

Misdemeanors are races

NBC argues that it shouldn’t be a crime to punch someone in the face, or drive while intoxicated. Because racism an sheeit. They declare that we should decriminalize all non-violent misdemeanors. Just so we are clear, the following are all non-violent misdemeanors under Florida law:

  • Stalking
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Driving under the Influence (DUI)
  • Driving on a Suspended License (DWLS)
  • Prowling
  • Prostitution
  • Petty theft
  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Menacing
  • Forgery
  • Theft of property
  • Vandalism
  • Reckless Driving
  • Harassing Phone Calls
  • Luring or enticing a child under 12 into a vehicle or structure
  • Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit
  • Open carry of a weapon or firearm
  • CCW holder carrying a firearm into a prohibited location
  • Brandishing a weapon or firearm
  • Leaving an unsecured firearm within reach of a minor
  • Discharging a firearm into an occupied dwelling, within a residential area, or over a road
  • Use of a firearm while intoxicated
  • Throwing a bomb or other destructive device
  • Furnishing weapons to minors

This will actually result in more felony convictions, because many of these misdemeanors are used in plea deals to allow criminals charged with felonies to plead guilty to misdemeanors. If those are off the table, then the felony is the only option remaining.

It’s a fact

Demetrius Cox Jr was shot and killed a day after his 21st birthday, only a few hours after his mother bailed him out of the Osceola County jail, where he had been held since April on murder charges. At 21 years old, he was still a high school student at an Orange County private school that is located in Pine Hills, one of the most dangerous zip codes in the USA. He has been involved in at least three different gang-related shootings, including one that resulted in the death of a small child.

The family is blaming- you guessed it- gun owners for his death.

“This family said it wants gun violence to stop. “Stop the violence and find something else to do. It ain’t worth it. We’re all losing kids out here,” Burton said. “The gun violence is horrific since COVID,” Laster said. “It’s through the roof. Somebody needs to do something about this.”

Even people in the comments blaming guns while ignoring the truth:

Blacks make up 13% of the US population, but commit 45% of the homicides.

The facts are obvious to anyone who chooses to look at them without bias:

  • Black males are the victim of homicide 10 to 20 times more often than any other demographic
  • Black males commit homicides 15 to 35 times more often than any other demographic
  • Black males commit armed robbery 10 to 15 times more often whites
  • Most crime is committed by perpetrators who are the same race as their victims
  • More than 90% of homicides where the victim is black, so is their killer

It would be easy to take a racist slant, but I don’t think that blacks are inherently more violent or prone to crime. Studies show that black children raised by non-black parents more closely model their non-white peers. Instead, I believe that the root cause lies in the disintegration of the black family. In black communities, we now have more than two out of every three black children growing up in single parent households. Compare that to white children, where three out of four grow up having two parents in the family. In 1960, that was where black families were: 22% of black children were in single parent homes.

In other words, children growing up raising themselves are growing up without the guidance and direction that having a parent around provides. Children model the behavior of their role models. This is how we learn to comply with societal norms. When they are young, those role models are their parents. As they approach the teenage years, those role models become their peers. When there are no parents around, the young children model the behavior of the only others that they see: older kids.

So the black community has as its role model the leaders of street gangs. Criminals. This has been the case for nearly four generations. Solve the increasing problems of dads leaving as soon as a woman gets pregnant, and you solve the problems of our society. Of course this will never happen, because the people who could solve it are instead selling away the American nuclear family in exchange for votes. As long as we continue to subsidize single mothers, we will get more of them, which in turn will erode our society even further.