Former NFL player Rashard Mendenhall says that:
I’m sick of average white guys commenting on football. Y’all not even good at football. Can we please replace the Pro Bowl with an All-Black vs. All-White bowl so these cats can stop trying to teach me who’s good at football. I’m better than ur goat.
Remember the time that Rush Limbaugh wanted to buy an NFL team, but the players union stated that they would refuse to play for him, so he got rejected? The reason he was rejected was for a statement like this:
The NFL all-too-often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.
There are those in the sports commentator ranks who have no problem attacking their own race to get their valid left wing street cred.
Rush still lived on to launch Donald Trump and put his permanent stamp on the Republican Party as one rooted in white grievance, bigotry, and incitement to violence.
This is the same attitude that saw football players taking a knee and calling the NFL the slave plantation. I’m over all of this. It’s time that the blacks of this nation stop appropriating white culture. We invented football. Let the Africans play African sports. What sport did they invent again?
Let them live in houses that were invented by Africans. They would all live in mud huts. Sub-Sahara African negroes have invented nothing: farming, building construction, sanitation, and sports are all beyond their capabilities. Art? African art looks like a preschooler’s Pla-Do sculpture of people screwing.
So let’s just agree to let blacks have their culture. What is their culture again? They can’t even do drive-by shootings and sell cocaine. Both of those were invented by whites as well. At least they will have ghetto apples, live in mud huts, and eat fried chicken. Oops, fried chicken was invented by whites as well. Holy shit, what did they invent again?
Still, I am at a point where I fully support Mendenhall’s position. It’s time that we segregate the black race from white society. Let the US negro have their own state. All of them can move there and live their lives steeped in their culture. No more welfare, jobs, food, or banking. Go. I can live without all of the things that blacks bring to the table: shootings, drug abuse, violence, and that horrible rap music. We will even let you have the NBA, even though you won’t have any money to pay your players because your fans won’t have money to buy tickets without EBT cards.
Stereotypes suck, don’t they?