The Minneapolis teachers union just negotiated a contract that specifies that white teachers must be laid off before other races.

The Minneapolis teachers union just negotiated a contract that specifies that white teachers must be laid off before other races.
Everyone but the one person responsible. It’s like they are all children. Who are they? The left, of course.
Domestic abusers blame their victims: “Look what you made me do!” That is the case here, as the left begins to blame the US for Brittney Griner’s prison term.
At first, the blame was placed upon the Russian cops who failed to read her Miranda rights to her, despite the fact that there are no Miranda rights in Russia. Then it was the injustice of the Russian court system. The race card was tried. None of it worked.
So now the left blames the NBA and income inequality because LeBron James makes $43 million a year, but Griner only made $200K because gender inequality. The only way that Griner could make good money, they claim, was for her to play in Russia. Bullshit. If Griner were even half as good as James, she would be playing in the NBA. Teams would love to have a talented player for less money. No, Griner makes less than Lebron for one simple reason. Women can’t play sports as well as men. That is why women don’t get paid as well. It’s why there have to be different leagues for men and women. If that weren’t the case, we wouldn’t need separate sports for men and women and trannies wouldn’t be kicking woman ass in every sport. The women don’t get paid as much for the same reason why minor leaguers don’t make as much as major league players: they aren’t as good.
I have a couple of acquaintances who play professional basketball. One plays in the NBA. Whenever he is in the area, we pay him a visit if he has time. The other wasn’t as good of a player, so he plays in Europe. The guy in the NBA is making millions of dollars per year. The other doesn’t make nearly that much.
Griner went to Russia to make money. Not because of sexism. Not because because she is black (most basketball players are).
Colleges, who if you remember are controlled by the left, are united in their hatred of Asians. They have proven it by filing a court briefing with SCOTUS that is supportive of discriminating against Asians.
They are even angry that an Asian used a literal “white privilege card” to get out of a traffic ticket in Alaska. As if we would be taken in by that. We all know that you have to be white to use that card.
Leftist minorities hate you. They are telling you what their goal is: The elimination of all white people. A significant segment of the left wants to eliminate you, your society, and your values. I have always believed that Obama intended to ignite an American race war, and nothing I have seen makes me believe otherwise.
Keep this in mind in all of your decision making.
SCOTUS will be hearing two huge affirmative action cases on October 31: Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. At issue are two main questions:
Grutter v. Bollinger was a SCOTUS case on affirmative action in student admissions. The Court held that a student admissions process that favors “underrepresented minority groups” does not violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause so long as it takes into account other factors evaluated on an individual basis for every applicant.
In other words, this allows colleges to reject more qualified Asian and white candidates in favor of less qualified black candidates. It’s about time that we get rid of racial preferences in college admissions.
The MSM is claiming that Ketanji Brown Jackson was sworn in today, making her the “the first Black woman to serve as a justice.”
Since she testified to Congress under oath, claiming that she didn’t know what a woman was, claiming to be one means that she should be impeached for lying to Congress. Isn’t that the standard now?
Congresswoman Corrine Brown was convicted of fraud and tax evasion for running a fraudulent children’s charity and then using the money for her own benefit. She was sentenced to five years in Federal prison. She was let out after only two because of COVID.
Her conviction was later overturned because a juror told the judge that God came to her in a dream and said the congresswoman was innocent, so he replaced her.
Before she could be tried again, she reached a plea deal to plead guilty to one charge of tax evasion.
Now a convicted felon, she is running for office again. Many blacks will vote for her, because for all of the talk that we hear about wanting to eliminate racism, she is black.
Police are targeting a truck meet:
An unsanctioned truck meet over the weekend in Daytona Beach Shores resulted in 688 issued traffic citations and 46 trucks towed, as well as multiple misdemeanor and felony arrests. Law enforcement prepared for the event by utilizing the city’s new zero-tolerance policy for traffic infractions and designating The Shores as a Special Event Zone in which fines are doubled for noncriminal traffic infractions and loud noises are banned near private residences.
Why? Because white men are those who are most well known for driving pickups. You can bet your ass that any rally involving black stereotypes will be carefully left alone. You know, like BCR. We know this because the police have a specific web page highlighting how they won’t racially profile.
It seems that the CDC has been doing firearm homicide studies. The study found that the rate of gun homicides among Black males between the ages of 10-24 was 21.6 times higher than white males of the same age. I guarantee you that this means the CDC is about to have its gun violence budget cut.
The CDC also claimed that the study showed that planting trees and grass on vacant lots reduces firearm violence by nearly a third.
A few days ago, I posted about Florida refusing to buy certain math textbooks because they contained CRT and SEL propaganda, and the state is trying to keep political topics out of elementary school. No groomers allowed, to put it bluntly.
Now the state has finally given some examples and reasons for why they rejected some textbooks. Take a look:
It’s subtle, but they are grooming the kids in their care, so that they grow up to be good little communists.
Grooming kids to become little communists. That is why these books were rejected. I took the Implicit Association Test, and it is garbage. It asks questions like “Are those that you are sexually attracted to mostly of a similar skin tone?” and “Do you think that certain skin tones have an advantage over others in making money?”
Garbage. This isn’t math, and it isn’t science. It’s propaganda.