Remember my post from yesterday? The one where I told you that the left was accusing Republicans of plotting to overthrow the government, even though it was the Democrats that did so? In that post, I made the claim that things would get so bad as to seem surreal.
I am right again. The latest is that a retired Federal judge (a Bush appointee) claims that 2020 was a dry run for Trump and other Republicans to shift the 2024 election in their favor, regardless of the actual results. The judge claims:
January 6 was never about a stolen election or even about actual voting fraud. It was always and only about an election that Trump lost fair and square, under legislatively promulgated election rules in a handful of swing states that he and other Republicans contend were unlawfully changed by state election officials and state courts to expand the right and opportunity to vote, largely in response to the Covid pandemic.
He goes on to claim that “Republicans have grown increasingly wary of the Electoral College with the new census and political demographics of the nation’s shifting population.”
That is complete and utter horseshit. This very blog has documented the Democrats’ efforts to get rid of the Electoral College since 2016. In fact, just a few weeks before the 2020 election, CNN was campaigning for packing SCOTUS to eliminate the Electoral College.
You’re going to have to get rid of the Electoral College, because the people — because the minority in this country decides who the judges are and they decide who the president is. Is that — is that fair?” Lemon said.
Cuomo responded by noting a constitutional amendment — which requires two-thirds approval from Congress and three-fourths approval from states — is required to eliminate the Electoral College.
Lemon shot back, “If Democrats, if Joe Biden wins, Democrats can stack the courts and they can do that amendment and they can get it passed.”
No, it isn’t about the Electoral college. It isn’t about 2020. This is about power. It’s about twisting and rewriting the past to hide the Democrat’s obvious shenanigans in the 2020 election. It’s about suppressing the Republican vote in the 2024 election. The left is laying the groundwork for the elimination of any real choice in the 2024 election.