We aren’t the violent ones

The Department of Homeland Security says if you don’t agree with the government’s response to COVID, you are a Domestic Violent Extremist.

I disagree. Those of us who disagree with the government and its response to COVID haven’t even BEGUN to get violent, yet. So far, the only violence has been on the part of the government, BLM, Antifa, and other left wing groups. Yes, you read that right- the government itself is a left wing group.

If even one in a thousand of the United States’ one hundred million or more gun owners decide to get their violence on, that would be somewhere around 100,000 armed, pissed off people to deal with. The people who look like everyone else, and can blend into their surroundings fairly easily. Many of these shooters are extraordinary marksmen, capable of shooting a paper plate from 200 or more yards away.

Keep in mind that the Taliban managed to occupy a significant fraction of the US military for two decades before the US became disinterested and finally got their asses handed to them. That is with a military whose supply lines, home bases, and manufacturing base was 10,000 miles away, safe from goatherders without the means to bring that violence to the home front.

Don’t tell me how easy it would be to find and destroy such a force. The US government can’t even control weapons and other contraband in its Federal Prisons, much less inside of an entire nation. For them to try would likely increase the numbers of pissed off resistance members 100 fold.

Surveillance State

In another example of Mussolini fascism, private companies are surveilling private citizens and passing that information on to the government. Case in point, a company named Flock safety (as in sheep?) installed approximately 100 hidden cameras around Lake county, Florida, with the approval of the sheriff.

We have installed 1000s of cameras around the country, including all over Florida, and our team moves very quickly. 

statement from Flock Safety

The company places an emphasis on capturing license plate numbers and vehicle details.

From flocksafety.com

This surveillance state crap sickens me. Mask, spray paint, intrusive camera.

IANAL, but it seems to me that since this isn’t government property…

Does this apply to laptops?

Apple announced that it will begin scanner user’s phones for child porn and reporting results to the police. My first thought is to wonder if this will also apply to laptops that have been dropped off for repair. Then I realized that, should Apple scan a Clinton laptop, the company will commit suicide the next day, and the security cameras will be broken.

Seriously, this begins with “protecting the children” as all such things do. It shortly progresses to scanning phones for disloyalty to the government. We are on the verge of seeing the most restrictive police state ever devised.

Great reset, indeed.

Felony photography

Disney claims that it is a felony to take photos of their behind the scenes areas from your car, if you are driving on roads owned by Disney. Many of the roads near the Orlando theme park are actually private property. When you arrive at the gate to the Magic Kingdom parking lot, you have been on Disney property for 7 miles or so.

Any lawyer types here care to specify what specific felony is being committed by taking pictures?

End runs

Let’s say that the police want to search your home, but they don’t have the probable cause needed to get a warrant. So to solve this “problem” they come up with a plan. They have a criminal on speed dial who they recently caught committing a burglary do them a favor in exchange for the cops not arresting them. In this case, the burglar breaks into your house then anonymously calls the police to report seeing a dead body in the home. Or perhaps bomb making material. It doesn’t matter what he claims to have seen. This call falls under one of the exceptions that would allow the police to enter your home.

That’s a dick move, right? Would you consider that to be a violation of your Constitutional right against unreasonable search and seizure? In this case, the police didn’t have the legal ability to search your home, so they got another person to do it on their behalf.

Isn’t having a private business violate your First Amendment rights the same thing?

The “liberal” or “progressive” stance has always been that free speech is only about state suppression, not about private companies or individuals.

The argument has always been that Facebook/Twitter/Google etc. are private companies that have every right to decide what appears on their platforms. Of course, if the state is actively instructing the private companies on what to remove…that argument crumbles to dust.

Now do a little thinking and let me know what other Constitutional rights are being subverted because the government has enlisted others to do the violating.

Dems admit: NG is Army, not militia

Adam Smith, the chair of the House Armed Services Committee criticized a move by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem to deploy the National Guard to the US border and accept private donations to pay for it. Now here is the money quote:

“This is unbelievably dangerous to think that rich people can start using the U.S. military to advance their objectives, independent of what the commander in chief and the secretary of defense think they ought to be doing,”

For years, the Democrats have been bleating that the Second Amendment is only there to permit the militia to be armed, and claiming that the National Guard is the militia. Is a sitting legislator now saying that a state no longer has the right to a well regulated militia? Or is he claiming that the NG is not the militia?


Police routinely track people by the tower that their cell phone is on. That is how they caught many people up in the net on January 6. They aren’t stopping there. Massachusetts authorities are reportedly installing a tracker on all cell phones in the state.

EDITED TO ADD: This has been confirmed by multiple sources, including MSN. Mass Authorites say that the tracking feature won’t be used, except to notify potential exposures to COVID. I believe that. Yeah. END EDIT.

They aren’t asking, they are just doing it. I don’t know what this software does, or how much data it is sending home to big brother, I just know that I am leery of it.

If any of your travels happen to take you through Massachusetts, I would recommend putting your cell phone into a faraday bag, like this one. I don’t make money from this at all- I have no relationship with the company or the product, other than owning several of them.

False Flag

To go along with my previous post on how the Biden administration is trying to silence the opposition, the Washington Post came out swinging today.

Their article is misleading. They are attacking Tucker Carlson for claiming that the January 6th events at the Capitol were engineered by the FBI. They set up a strawman to attack:

The sketchy and quickly debunked claims made by Carlson. The Fox News host was elevating a story written for the website Revolver by a former Trump administration official (later fired for links to white nationalists) arguing that “unindicted co-conspirators” referred to in Justice Department charging documents referred to government law enforcement agents. In other words, that the references implied a significant intertwining of FBI agents in the violence that day. But, as The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake reported, that term wouldn’t apply to FBI agents, and the “co-conspirators” identified by Carlson were at times clearly identifiable. One, for example, was obviously a suspect’s wife, based on the available information. Marrying someone for a long-game sting operation would be quite a level of commitment.

Debunked my ass. The FBI engineered it, but not by using actual agents. No, they did it by using FBI informants. I pointed this out way back in January. Even Reuters reported that the leader of the Proud Boys was an FBI informant.

In the Miami hearing, a federal prosecutor, a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and Tarrio’s [Tarrio is the leader of the Proud Boys- DM] own lawyer described his undercover work and said he had helped authorities prosecute more than a dozen people in various cases involving drugs, gambling and human smuggling.

In a statement to Reuters, the former federal prosecutor in Tarrio’s case, Vanessa Singh Johannes, confirmed that “he cooperated with local and federal law enforcement, to aid in the prosecution of those running other, separate criminal enterprises, ranging from running marijuana grow houses in Miami to operating pharmaceutical fraud schemes

So the Washington Post either has a short memory, or they are deliberately lying.

We know the FBI can and will do so. Remember how Sandy Hook resulted in a 1500 page report from the FBI, but the Las Vegas shooter report was only three pages?


Two years ago, I posted about a Florida deputy who was was recently caught planting drugs on drivers during traffic stops. He had apparently been doing it for years, and more than 100 people were charged based upon the drugs he ‘found’ in their cars. The pattern was the same- pull the car over on some pretext, claim that he could smell marijuana, and then meth would be found. Mysteriously, his camera would not be turned on until AFTER the drugs were found. In one case, he did leave the camera on, and it caught the drugs in his hand right before he planted them.

He was just convicted on 19 counts including racketeering, official misconduct, fabricating evidence, perjury, false imprisonment and possession of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

Before anyone says that this is because of “racist cops” the article from the Democrat shows 36 people who were victims of his scheme, and only four of them were black. Not racism, just an officer trying to make a name for himself.