Math and logic fail

United wants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 100% before the end of 2050. Math says reducing anything by 100% means none. How do you transport passengers without emitting ANY CO2?

I will tell you: lawyers. You use legal technicalities like claiming electric aircraft, carbon credits, and carbon offsets actually mean anything.

Of course, AOC claims that the propellers on this electric aircraft also function as wind turbines, making this airplane truly green, as it can recharge its own batteries in flight.


The National Hockey League is adding a team during the off season this year. The team is the Seattle Kraken. I love the team name, because the jokes write themselves:

  • Fans could be the Krakheads
  • Cheerleaders could be the Krakwhores
  • Before every game, as the team takes the ice: “Release the Kraken”
  • The could even call the arena where the team plays “The Krakhouse”

Nevermind. Being Seattle, they have to fuck it all up, and call the arena “The Climate Pledge Arena” with the following pledge:

Our goal is to be the most progressive, responsible, and sustainable arena in the world.

It might sound ambitious—
but that’s the point.

Faking climate change

There are stories everywhere about subtropical storm Ana. Each of these stories mentions that this is an early storm, that this is the seventh consecutive year that a named storm occurred prior to the start of the storm season, and that there have been more storms than “normal.”

and it is misleading.

Why it’s misleading is that “subtropical” storms were not included in named storms until 2002. What does this mean? In the 19 hurricane seasons that subtropical storms have been added to the naming system, there have been an average of 16 named storms per year, with only 4 of those seasons seeing fewer than 12 storms. In the 19 seasons prior to 2002, there were an average of 11 named storms per year, with ten of those seasons having fewer than 12 storms.

So why did the criteria for naming storms change? If you look at the statistics for named storms, something jumps out at you. The number of storms drastically increases, beginning in 1995. What changed in 1995? Was it global warming?

Nope. The director of the National Hurricane Center, Doctor Bob Sheets, retired in 1995. The director of the NHC sets the criteria by which storms are classified. Politics, or science?

You decide.

The Big Guy

Remember when the left said that Trump was Putin’s stooge? Remember when Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline in order to save the environment? Do you also recall how Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukranian energy company, even though he has no experience with oil, doesn’t even speak the language, and is completely unqualified for the job?

So explain to me how it is that Biden waives sanctions so that a Russian oil company owned by Vladimir Putin can build a pipeline. Was this because Trump was a Russian stooge, or was it to save the environment, or perhaps it was because ten percent goes to the big guy?

Global Warning?

In 1959, the US Government drilled some ice cores in search of a location to put a missile base in Greenland. They found plants frozen into the ice, which indicates that Greenland was ice free recently, in climate terms. At some point within the last million years, possibly only several hundred thousand years ago, Greenland was ice free.

Now, to humans, a million years seems like a long time, but that is relatively recent in climate and geological terms. In fact, atmospheric CO2 was lower a million years ago than it is now. This indicates to me that climate is cyclical, and has little to do with humans adding CO2 to the atmosphere.

Science is a thing

We keep hearing about how cows are releasing carbon into the atmosphere. So lets talk about something called the “Law of Conservation of Mass.” It’s a thing. Now cows, like nearly all living things on the planet, are made of organic compounds. An organic compound is a chemical compound that contains the elements oxygen, CARBON, and hydrogen, which means that they contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Again, nearly all living things on the planet get their energy either directly from the sun, or from consuming other living things. The cow gets those carbon atoms by ingesting other living things- namely plants. Plants are largely made of carbohydrates, which are organic compounds.

Where do plants get their carbohydrates from? They make them, using water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and energy from the sun.

This process is called the “carbon cycle.” The carbon is absorbed from the air, ingested by the cow, and then either becomes part of the cow or is discharged in the form of cow farts, exhaled CO2, or manure.

The point here is that the cow can’t release more carbon from the atmosphere than it has absorbed from plants. Where does the plant get the carbon? From the atmosphere. It’s a cycle.

Carbon scam

Three years ago, I blogged about a company that claimed they were making fuel from the carbon dioxide in the air. I outlined the reasons why this was a scam.

Now the same exact company has changed their sales pitch. They are now claiming that they can suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, store it in the ground, and the pitch even uses the same pictures and footage.

These companies are using pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo to trick people into giving them grant money to save the planet.