Don’t Train Kids Act

A committee of the Florida house just passed a bill that would prohibit educators from talking about LGBTQ+ topics that are not “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”

To anyone that opposes this: What reason can you possibly have for discussing sexually explicit topics with children?

As a person who spend eight years as an educator, I will tell you that there are some school districts that are literally and actively trying to groom kids into a sexually aberrant lifestyle. Here is an actual document that I was given while I was a teacher:

I don’t care if a person wants to be gay, bisexual, whatever. You wanna put a guy’s penis in your mouth or rectum, I don’t care. I don’t care if one woman wants to marry another. None of that is my business.

However, it is every adult’s business to make sure that you aren’t getting children involved in your sexual fantasies.

Death of the V8

Dodge is cancelling the Hemi V8, despite the fact that it is an immensely popular engine. Why? Woke bullshit. Bad decisions like this are why the government shouldn’t bail companies out of financial woes.

There are those who can’t stand that you can get into your privately-owned vehicle at any time of the day or night and drive virtually anywhere you please. These budding authoritarians view that and all other forms of personal freedom as threats to their power. 

Don’t Deny ‘Science’

Scientists claim that, if cats were human, they would be psychopathic. As evidence, they noted that cats “dominate neighborhood cat(s) (e.g. chases them, picks fights with them),” “is undeterred by punishment i.e. will repeat behaviors he/she is scolded for” and “vocalizes loudly (e.g. meows, yowls) for no apparent reason.”

Of course, cats aren’t human. Cats do what cats do, because those behaviors are what they needed to compete and survive.

We are spending money to pay scientists to tell us that cats are psychopaths, but those same scientists tell us that a man can be a woman by merely declaring himself to be one.

We are truly entering the dark ages.

Lefty Law

A lefty law professor proposes rewriting the 1A and 2A. Here is the proposal for the First:

Every person has the right to freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and petition of the government for redress of grievances, consistent with the rights of others to the same and subject to responsibility for abuses. All conflicts of such rights shall be resolved in accordance with the principle of equality and dignity of all persons.

Of course the escape clause embedded in the above makes the entire thing meaningless. Now look at the proposed 2A:

All people have the right to bodily autonomy consistent with the right of other people to the same, including the right to defend themselves against unlawful force and the right of self-determination in reproductive matters. The government shall take reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of the public as a whole.

Note that this Amendment is now not about Arms, but about abortion. It’s poorly written, though. I could make a case that a fetus is a person, and has the right to defend itself. That would also mean that others could defend that fetus. Could a person then use force against an imminent abortion?

It’s all academic, of course. I don’t think you’ll get the requisite 3/4 of state legislatures to ratify it.

A frank discussion

For those who are unaware, in 2014 and 2015, the U.S. Department of Education released multiple guidelines stipulating that since Federal law bans sex discrimination in schools, that it is also discrimination to ben students from using the bathroom of their choice on the basis of gender identity. Schools that do not comply can have their funding revoked. I have pointed out that this would also mean that, using the same law, teachers could also use the bathroom of their choice. Make no mistake ,this means that those who argue for this interpretation of the law are fighting for a 40 year old man to use the same facilities as 14 year old girls.

The law as it is now says that it is discriminatory under Federal law to prohibit me from entering whatever bathroom I feel like matches my chosen gender identity. Were I still a teacher, I could walk into the girl’s bathroom, whip out my penis in full view, and take a leak. Sorry girls, some of us have a penis. Not all women have vaginas. Sick, right?

The sexual assault of a teen girl by a boy claiming to be transsexual was inevitable. There was no doubt that teen boys would lie and claim to be trannies, even when they weren’t, so that they could have access to girls.

Steven Crowder did a skit on his YouTube channel that was lampooning the Louden county case. In the skit, Alex Jones appears as an angel in a jail cell and tells a woman that she will soon become pregnant. The girl asks “Is this a miracle of immaculate conception?”

The angel Alex replies, “No that woman you are sharing your cell with is about to rape you repeatedly.” The shot changes to a man dressed as a woman standing next to the in cell toilet and urinating.

The Crowder channel was warned by YouTube that they needed to take the video down or have their channel banned from the website. The warning was attached to a one week suspension.

By definition, trannies have psychological problems. A person whose mind rejects the biological reality that they do or do not possess a Y chromosome (whichever the case may be) has something wrong with their mental processes. Don’t argue- even those who advocate for trannies’ special rights claim that the suicide rate is higher for trannies.

Yet the government is telling teachers and schools to force this on your children. Again, here is the handout that was given to teachers in Lake County, Florida when we were instructed to push the LGTBQ agenda on school children back in 2016. If you look, this plan was aimed at children from Kindergarten through high school.

Note that this received the full endorsement of the Federal Government, the teachers’ union, and the school board. They are purposely setting up your children for sexual exploitation. I told the administration at the time that I refused to discuss sexual topics with my students.

Two sides of this discussion: One side thinks that we should allow men and young girls to use the same restroom. They think that it is OK for a man dressed as a woman to discuss sex with 6 year old children. They think it is OK for an 8 year old to have sex change surgery over the objection of their parents. They believe that anyone who opposes them is a fascist who deserves to be shunned from society, jailed, or possibly executed.

The other side thinks that all of the above should be illegal.

How can those two sides reach a compromise? The answer is: they can’t. This nation is doomed. One side cannot exist while the other is still out there.


Salon magazine published an article, claiming that gun manufacturers are somehow evil and targeting young boys as future customers. How do they do this, according to Salon? By sponsoring youth shooting clubs and shooters, by creating a “link” to “false machismo” by associating their products with military and police through such tactics as calling their product lines “Military and Police,” or by offering what customers want by selling guns in colors other than black, like “Pink Platinum, Purple Platinum, and Harvest Moon Orange.”  

They do this even as they themselves groom kids to be victims of their sick, perverted pedophile tendencies by publishing article about encouraging transgender children or pushing for laws to allow trannies to use bathrooms alongside their intended victims in elementary schools.

As for me? I’d rather teach kids to shoot, so they can defend themselves from these fucking sick child rapists. I want my grandchildren to be able to shoot these sick fuckers in the face.