But what if they identify as men?

Back in 2019, the Army noticed that 84% of women were failing the service’s new ‘gender neutral’ physical fitness test, while only 30 percent of men failed it. The Army then had to admit what the woke crowd won’t: it doesn’t matter what you THINK you are or identify as, men have a physiological advantage over women.

In typical government fashion, they didn’t fix the problem by finally admitting that women can’t, in fact perform as well as men do in combat. Nope, instead, after two years of studying the problem, Congress simply got rid of the test. Problem solved. So now, troops that look like this will be more widespread:

So that way we can accommodate more soldiers who look like this:

Ejército de cabrones

Destroying women’s sports

The world record for men in the 1500m race is 3:26, a full 24 seconds faster than women.

A time of 4 minutes at the 1500m mens race at the 2018 Gold coast games would not have even made the finals. The slowest man in the finals ran the race in 3:53.43. (pdf alert)

The fastest woman ran the same race in 4:00.71.(pdf alert) The thing is, the person who won wasn’t a woman. It was a man who isn’t fast enough to compete against the men, so has chosen to identify as a woman. Watch the race, and see that this “woman” has a clear physique advantage over real women, the fastest of whom ran the race in 4:03.09. (Youtube won’t let me embed this one. Just go to 3:56 to see the end of the race)

It’s OK to kill Puerto Rican men

That’s the message I got from this week’s declaration of emergency in Puerto Rico. The emergency, which lasts until June 30, was in response to “a wave of killings targeting women and transgender people.”

What they don’t tell you is that there were 529 murders in Puerto Rico during 2020, which was a 16 percent reduction from 2019. Of those 529 murders, 54 of them were women and 6 of them were trannies. So, about 1 percent of Puerto Rican murder victims were trannies, and ten percent were women. The 89 percent who were men? No declaration of emergency for them, which screams to me that killing Puerto Rican men is just fine and dandy with the Puerto Rican government.