If she had let him get an operation to cut off his dick, she would have been fine, but letting a 10 year old get a tattoo is just going too far.
Tranny Insanity
We Always Knew They Were Going Here
Virginia Democrats introduce legislation that would criminally prosecute parents who don’t affirm their child’s “gender identity.” The bill expands the state’s definition of child abuse and neglect to include parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
This would require people mandated by virtue of their jobs to report the parents to authorities if a child tells them that the parent doesn’t support or affirm the child’s decision to be a tranny. So nurses, teachers, paramedics, and police would be required to report you for refusing to buy your son a dress when he tells you that he wants to be a girl now.
Depending on how the law gets written, it could be a felony to not use a child’s chosen pronouns, and it may not be just parents who are susceptible to the new law. Some bearded 17 year old fruitcake in a dress demands that you use ‘zir’ or ‘zem’ could report you and have you arrested for child abuse when you laugh at his crazy ass.
You could be the next person getting pepper sprayed and being chucked in jail.
To those who claim this violates your religious freedom, Democrats have this to say:
“The Bible says to accept everyone for who they are. So that’s what I tell them when they asked me that question, and that’s what I will continue to tell people. You know, we all have a commitment to God And for those believers out there, we know that there’s life after life, and there is going to be a conversation between that person and God and that’s what we’re after — to go by what the Bible says. It is not my job to judge anyone. It is my job to help people.”
Now Democrat government officials, who constantly bleat about separating church and state, feel qualified to interpret the Bible for you and tell you what you are supposed to believe.
Tranny Insanity
Welcome to the DOJ
Apparently, the liberal members of the medical profession want the DOJ to to “investigate and prosecute” Americans who question child sex-change surgeries and transgender treatments online.
It’s called the First Amendment, assholes. They also called on Big Tech to censor and deplatform individuals who question their faggotry and abuse of children.
So to all of you at the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Children’s Hospital Association- go fuck yourself. I have a server in a foreign country. I won’t be silenced, and I won’t be deplatformed. I also won’t back down in calling your mutilation of children what it is- an abomination.
You can write a million papers and have them reviewed by a million of your peers, and I will still tell you what few others will- your tranny emperor is not supposed to groom kids into being your little fuck toys in whatever evil games you are playing.
To you in the DOJ- begin your investigation here:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Let me know if you have decided that that document no longer applies.
Grooming Children
More Teachers Grooming
In yet another case of liberals thinking that they are smarter and more caring than anyone else, teachers in an Ohio school district are being told that they don’t have to inform parents that their children are requesting changed names, pronouns, or sexual identity.
Then they tell you that sex and gender are not the same thing. This is gaslighting, pure and simple. They are telling you that things don’t mean what they have meant for thousands of years. The left is deliberately and systematically feeding people false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. The targets of this behavior wind up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, their manipulations are growing more complex, more potent, more out of touch with reality, which is making it increasingly difficult for the victims to see the truth.
We are seeing the left targeting our most vulnerable people- our children- at the core of their being: their sense of identity and self-worth. It isn’t just children, almost anyone is susceptible to these tactics, which have been deployed throughout history by domestic abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.
Don’t let anyone do this to you or your family.
Tranny Insanity
I do get so weary of the debate about transexuality. The worn out argument that trannies try to make is that, because about 1 in 1,000 live births involve Klinfelter’s syndrome, there can be no objective definition of what men and women are. That is silly nonsense. First, some biology:
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. When we reproduce, the DNA in the reproductive cells splits, and those cells contain 23 chromosomes instead of 23 pairs. When a sperm and an egg meet, their DNA combines to again form 23 pairs.
The 23rd pair is the one that determines gender. In that 23rd pair, a man is one who has a Y chromosome as one of those chromosomes. All fetuses begin as female. The Y chromosome tells the developing fetus to grow male reproductive organs. Those reproductive organs then cause the development of secondary male characteristics like a male skeletal structure, etc. The absence of that Y chromosome means that the fetus remains female in structure.
That is how it is supposed to work, but there are sometimes defects that occur in that incredibly complex process. Perhaps the meiotic division in one of the parent haploid cells (its usually the mother’s) didn’t properly take place. In that case, the fetus winds up one chromosome (or part of one chromosome) too many or too few.
One chromosome missing means that one chromosome is left without its matching pair and is called a monosomy or partial monosomy. That usually results in miscarriage. Occasionally it doesn’t. If part of one chromosome is missing, this is called a partial monosomy. An example is part of the 5th pair missing, called Cri du chat syndrome. A missing chromosome at the 23rd pair can also be survivable. If there is only a single X and no matching X or Y, the fetus is female and has Turner’s syndrome. Is there is only a Y with no matching X, miscarriage. Less than 1 in 10,000 live births has a monosomy.
Sometimes there is one chromosome too many. This is called a trisomy, and trisomies are more survivable than monosomies. Trisomies are classified by which chromosomal pairs they occur at. For example, if the spare chromosome is in the:
- 13th pair, the resulting child has Patau’s Syndrome.
- 18th pair, the resulting child has Edwards’ Sydrome.
- 21st pair, the resulting child has Down’s Syndrome.
There are others, but you get the point. Trisomies are abnormal conditions. About 3 in every 1,000 live births has some sort of trisomy.
The one that the left is most concerned with is a trisomy at the 23rd pair, which results in XXY and is called Klinefelter’s syndrome. Since there is a Y chromosome present, a person with this syndrome usually has male genitalia, but occasionally will be indeterminate sex (also called intersex) or will appear female. People with Klinefelter’s are infertile and cannot reproduce, making it a genetic dead end. About 1 in 1,000 people have Klinefelter’s. It is a birth defect, no different than other genetic defects. That doesn’t mean we modify the definition of male and female so you can make the rest of us dance to your tune. The exception doesn’t mean that we change the rule.
Now to be clear, people with birth defects still have rights, are still human, and deserve treatment. What I have an issue with is people with mental problems latching on to a birth defect that happens in less than 0.5% of all humans and using that to justify their aberrant and sexually deviant behavior.
This is no different than a person faking a limp so they can park in handicapped parking, or go to the head of the line at a theme park. You are wearing the modern equivalent of blackface so that you can force the rest of us to treat your mental illness as if it were normal behavior.
If you want to believe that you are a different sex than the one you were born with, the odds are overwhelming that you do not have Klinefelter’s. You most likely have a mental illness. The fact that it has become trendy in some circles to pretend otherwise doesn’t change the objective facts.
Trannies can wear gender bending outfits. I don’t care, as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else. What I do care about is when you demand that the rest of us play along with your delusion or when you attempt to inflict it on children. Live and let live goes both ways. Stop trying to convert us into your mental illness.
Tranny Insanity
My body. My choice.
I am not sorry. I don’t do trannies.

Your so-called “trans rights” don’t extend to forcing others to date you, any more than a woman is obligated to have sex with a man, just because he paid for dinner. I choose who I associate with, and no one else.
If you don’t like that, tough shit.
and on a side note, why is there a child on this poster about sex?
Anti American left
The enemy in our homes
Less than a year ago, I told you about one of my wife’s friends and her stepson. The little asshole had declared to his family that he was a Marxist. The father had been ignoring it, assuming it was just some sort of phase.
Well, the kid came home and announced that he is now a girl. No longer Carlos, he is now calling himself Inez and insisting that everyone use that name. He is telling them that Carlos is dead, and using that name is “deadnaming” him. He is now Inez.
Well, his dad has been crying for three days. He is supporting his son in this new name, because he is afraid that his son will commit suicide if they don’t play along. Carlos is basically holding himself hostage and using that to control everyone in the house.
That, in my opinion, is what this is. It’s about control. When I met the kid seven years ago, I thought he was a little odd, but many kids are. However, this kid is as hardcore left as they come. He is a committed socialist who wants to destroy this country and replace it with a communist one.
We all need to think about that for a moment. The people that will be on the other side of any civil war will be people that we have known for years. That little boy who lives down the street? The one you have known since he was in kindergarten? He is plotting to kill you.
That’s where we are. So as you listen to our President tonight, and hear him tell America that *YOU* are the enemy, that you are a threat to our nation, and that you don’t deserve to live here, remember what the left has done to our children. Remember what they want to do to you.
Plan accordingly.
Anti American left
I Can’t Even
Look at this from the CDC. (emphasis added by me)
Even if you feel well, here are some ways to reduce your chances of being exposed to monkeypox if you are sexually active:
- Take a temporary break from activities that increase exposure to monkeypox until you are two weeks after your second dose. This will greatly reduce your risk.
- Limit your number of sex partners to reduce your likelihood of exposure.
- Spaces like back rooms, saunas, sex clubs, or private and public sex parties, where intimate, often anonymous sexual contact with multiple partners occurs—are more likely to spread monkeypox.
- Condoms (latex or polyurethane) may protect your anus (butthole), mouth, penis, or vagina from exposure to monkeypox. However, condoms alone may not prevent all exposures to monkeypox since the rash can occur on other parts of the body.
- Gloves (latex, polyurethane, or nitrile) might also reduce the possibility of exposure if inserting fingers or hands into the vagina or the anus. The gloves must cover all exposed skin and be removed carefully to avoid touching the outer surface.
- Avoid kissing or exchanging spit since monkeypox can spread this way.
- Masturbate together at a distance without touching each other and without touching any rash.
- Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.
- Consider having sex with your clothes on or covering areas where rash is present, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible. Leather or latex gear also provides a barrier to skin-to-skin contact; just be sure to change or clean clothes/gear between partners and after use.
- Be aware that monkeypox can also spread through respiratory secretions with close, face-to-face contact.
- Remember to wash your hands, fetish gear, sex toys, and any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothes) after having sex. Learn more about infection control.
How about this- just don’t go to a bath house and fuck dozens of guys that you don’t even know in the ass? Or let them do the same to you?
It’s About the Kids
In a move to show how much they care about poor children, Democrats are pulling “free lunch” funding from a school that refuses to follow transgender mandates that require schools to permit transgender students to use male or female bathrooms and play sports with either sex.
Grooming Children
Our Kids are Watching
Some of you have asked why we should care when people like Demi Lovato make it into the news when they declare that their pronouns have changed. Again.
We should care because your kids are watching. They see someone who is on the children’s shows that they watch, telling them that they can be trans. This is just another way of grooming children.
Instead of ignoring them, ceding the field to them, letting them have the megaphone, we should be opposing them. We should be calling them out for this. Don’t let them be the only ones who get to talk to your kids about this. Children are impressionable. Let’s give children the other viewpoint.