With a tip of the hat to Joe. Democrats nationwide are planning a major gun control push. Here is what is on the current top of their slippery slope:
Safe Storage law.
It’s something that many gun owners, myself included, think is a good idea on a personal level: Storing your firearms where those who are unauthorized can’t get to them. The issue here is that the law will of course be used in ways that the people who own guns simply can’t imagine. Perhaps the cops will want to inspect your storage facility. Who knows how it will be abused, but it will be, take that to the bank.
“If you actually buy safe storage that’s been certified with the state, you can receive a state tax credit so you’re not feeling that cost economically,” Bravo said. “I think people respond positively to incentives. I would really be compelled to try something like that.”
Want to take bets on whether this state certification includes the safe manufacturer supplying the state with the backdoor to enter your keypad locked safe? This is exactly why I changed the electronic locks on my safe with a mechanical combination lock.
Guns in schools
Democrats don’t know what law they will propose to stop killers from brining guns into schools and shooting kids. That’s because it isn’t a problem with a simple solution. It’s already illegal to bring a gun to school and doubly illegal to kill people, but gun free zones and laws against murder don’t work to deter people who want to die at the end of the shooting. No matter what they propose, you know that it will target law abiding gun owners and not criminals. The government is composed largely of tyrannical, power hungry assholes, and an armed citizenry is all that is between them and unchallenged power.

Domestic violence offenders
A proposed bill would add a domestic violence offender to the list of those prohibited from owning a firearm. I don’t know why this is needed. It’s already the law, and we already know that it is abused by scorned women everywhere. I was twice the target of women who tried to get me in hot water over alleged domestic violence. Both failed, but it was a legal pain in the ass.
Educational pamphlets
One proposed law would allow pediatricians and other healthcare providers to educate parents on how to safely store guns. The pamphlet would be created by the Department of Health to be put in medical offices.
OK, but only if I can sue the doctor when I follow his advice and it turns out that he didn’t know his ass from third base. Can you show me where medical professionals receive education on storing guns? Can we also have them provide information on car repair and the importance of having energy efficient appliances?
In the meantime, I won’t be doing that.
This isn’t about safety. It’s about making it so difficult to own a firearm that few people bother.
Stefan v. · August 17, 2024 at 9:18 am
It is not a problem of objects and their nature or location, it a problem of morality. They have none, and do not want to be shot while acting their evil will upon others.
Woody · August 17, 2024 at 9:41 am
Safe storage if passed will bring increasing rules on what is considered safe, until no one can afford to house there weapons. Also sometime along the way, lawsuits will start that the laws discriminate against the protected classes of people as they are disadvantaged economically.
foot in the forest · August 17, 2024 at 10:02 am
My weapons are stored in my home. SAFE STORAGE unless you are a criminal. Why am I being punished, AGAIN, for a criminal’s actions? SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
IcyReaper · August 17, 2024 at 12:03 pm
While I agree with DM that securing your weapons in case kids in house may get them and before you can teach them proper firearms safety and I do this regularly when needed, But I am NEVER store them in a way that I am defenseless but as usual the commies will turn this into more.
So my answer is GREAT JOB Arizona add all the new gun laws you want in AZ. This is AZ problem, the citizens allowed RINOS to sell the state out, allowed rigged voting and then did nothing but vote harder for more RINOS to fuck them. Any state that would vote for that fucking piece of shit McCain deserves a good daily fucking. Listen to LTC Steve Murray’s podcast on what happened in AZ.
I have no sympathies for morons and no desire to protect them from themselves. They did this to themselves so great. Morons need to be lined up against the wall just like Commies.
To protect Democracy of course
Divemedic · August 17, 2024 at 4:15 pm
Just because something is a good idea doesn’t mean that it needs to be required by law.
I would also point out that teens do stupid shit, so even if you HAVE taught them gun safety, they may fuck around anyhow.
IcyReaper · August 18, 2024 at 10:45 am
That’s true, no argument on teens. I’m amazed I made it this far personally being a wild eyed southern boy born and raised. But to clarify I don’t support a mandatory law that .GOV can turn into anything they want. I commented as a individual trying to use common sense with guns around kids or others than do stupid things. I think that’s a better way than .Gov stepping in and fucking things up.
Divemedic · August 18, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Yep. Just because it’s a good idea to do something doesn’t mean it needs to be mandated by law.
Barefoot Peckerwood · August 17, 2024 at 2:36 pm
I still will not comply. It’s just that simple
Stefan v. · August 17, 2024 at 3:13 pm
The so called safe storage mandate will likely come with mandatory inspections, to make sure the guns are indeed in their cages, and the ammunition. Inspections, anytime, every time some badged thug says so, and while he/zhe/it is there it will also be casing the place for anything else that takes its fancy, including your car, belongings, wife and children.
lynn · August 17, 2024 at 4:49 pm
I ain’t letting nobody in my house, truck, or office to inspect my guns. Nobody.
Justin Aussie · August 18, 2024 at 3:26 pm
Here in Australia, she only has to accuse you of doing something – no evidence at all needed – and the police will arrive and take your firearms, suspend your licence and your ability to own firearms is almost certainly gone for ten years.
You can fight it, and you MUST if you get accused of something, but it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion. At the first hint of a break-down of my relationship, I will take my rifles to my local dealer and leave the receipt in the safe. So if the police arrive to take my guns because she claims I pointed them at her or some fantasy, it is utterly proven to be a malicious lie because they have been in storage for the last three months.
It gets worse. In Queensland, you can have your licence threatened if you get booked for speeding – 30 km per hr over the limit is instant loss of drivers licence – and likely youre not a “fit-and-proper” person to hold firearms. They are even making it so if you are diagnosed as a diabetic, your licence is under threat ! ! ! !
Never give a millimeter on your laws guys. Not one millimeter.
Aussie · August 28, 2024 at 9:32 pm
Not one fraction of an inch fellas. Here in Australia there are “calls” for mandating copper projectiles. Who the “calls” are coming from is never disclosed but our very very very responsible national firearms groups – SSAA & ADA are “having the discussion” so we can “stay ahead of the conversation” and supposedly “control the narrative”. These dumb fucks are blind that the govt is behind the “calls” for copper projectiles and they are doing it just to make it incrementally more of a PITA to comply. Tell the HELL No !!! Fuck off trying to increase legislation because “reasons” or “it’s been over 20 years since we’ve tightened the regs about XYZ”. I live this shit every day. They are going to make it almost impossible to own firearms in Western Australia, and once it’s passed, it will be pushed out nationwide. Don’t give an inch fellas.
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