I couldn’t resist the pun in the title. Check this out, from the US Navy:

A Mexican national, serving in the US military. Some comments claimed that it could be a joint military exercise, but that isn’t the case. The Mexican Navy doesn’t use the same rank structure as the US Navy, and would not contain a rank of “Gunner’s Mate Third Class.” No, what you have here is a military being staffed by FORN personnel.
You, my fellow Americans, are being replaced by people who will be loyal to TPTB.
JR · October 20, 2024 at 7:03 pm
They do it to gain citizenship faster. I had 5 Canadians in my boot camp platoon, all to get citizenship.
Jonathan · October 20, 2024 at 11:57 pm
Exactly. It’s long been a sure way to expedite citizenship.
The jobs they can do are limited because they can’t get a security clearance.
I had a friend who did it in the 70’s. There were times he had to wait outside the building he worked in until he got his citizenship and a clearance.
Divemedic · October 21, 2024 at 7:34 am
Of course they do.
That doesn’t disagree with a word I said.
You are being replaced with people who are loyal to the regime.
(and it isn’t Republicans or Democrats)
Inkstained · October 21, 2024 at 12:51 pm
Citizenship to me is different than it is to them. To me, US citizenship, being a Georgian, means family stories going back to colonization. It means sparklers on the 4th, Dixie Youth baseball, UGA football, local legends and demons, church, trick-or-treating, fundraisers and school.
To them, it means, at best, a chance to recreate where they came from, but with better quality stuff.
Carry Condition Zero · October 20, 2024 at 7:38 pm
Shh… don’t tell Latrino Mexcrements and other mud races but they’ll be thrown overboard when they are no longer politically useful.
The most stupid useless worthless populace in human history is why we can’t have nice republic things.
Tree Mike · October 20, 2024 at 9:07 pm
“You are correct, Sir!” In my best Ed McMahon. All part of the plan. (((They))) have laid it all out, not like they’re keeping it a secret.
Bear in Indy · October 21, 2024 at 1:17 am
Tree Mike yes, it is. Cloward-piven, with a healthy dose of Marxism thrown in. Everyone thinks Cameltoe is an idiot, but with her “word salads,” she is really reinforcing the Communist Manifesto: “unburdened by what had been.” Means erasing the history of our Republic. Replaced with their version, which doesn’t include us.
Bear in Indy
EN2 SS · October 21, 2024 at 5:43 am
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Roman Empire fall when they replaced citizen soldiers with barbarians?
J J · October 21, 2024 at 7:25 am
Photograph taken by another foreign sounding name James Hong.
JIm · October 21, 2024 at 7:40 am
I’m intrigued by the rank of the guy who took the photo. What is a Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class, what do you have to do be 1st class, and is the head Mass Communication Specialist the Mass Communication Specialist in Chief? Perhaps he sits with the Joint Chiefs? Excuse my ignorance but being from Blighty, we don’t have your amazing array of ranks and it can be quite bewildering.
Divemedic · October 21, 2024 at 11:17 am
The Navy uses Petty Officers, which are NCOs. A third class petty officer is an E4, a second class is an E5, and a First Class is an E6.
The specialty is mentioned first, then the rank. So a Mass Communication Specialist third class is an E4 whose specialty is Mass Communication (meaning that they are the Navy’s journalists).
A Chief Petty officer (E7) would be a Chief Mass Communication Specialist. Then E8 moves on to Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist, followed by the E9 Master Mass Communication Specialist.
Aesop · October 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm
Point of order:
He could be a Mexican national.
He could also be a Mexican national who was a legal US resident with a green card, or even a fully naturalized American citizen, prior to his enlistment.
His city of origin is simply his birthplace, which, unlike his citizenship, cannot be changed, and hence doesn’t indicate his citizenship.
The fact that he’s a rated seaman with three promotions under his belt to date speaks rather well to his oath of enlistment to “preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” being rather faithfully fulfilled.
He’s also demonstrated his commitment to the ideals of America beyond what 98% of actual natural-born American citizens ever do.
So I’m willing to cut him some slack purely on that basis, as long as he’s not wearing a Mexican flag on his uniform nor holding “Viva La Raza” meetings belowdecks prejudicial to good order and discipline.
OTOH, as noted a few posts prior to this one, one Spenser Rapone, natural-born American citizen, was admitted to and graduated from West Point, in 2018, despite being an openly card-carrying communist pig douchebag, and was rightfully shitcanned in short-order once that fact became widely known, for conduct unbecoming a United States military officer. So accident of birthplace isn’t always the best predictor of character.
I seem to recall a lot of Garzas who enlisted from the Philippines, too, going back to pre-WWII, both before and after P.I. was a U.S. territory, and both the Navy and the republic seem to have survived rather handsomely.
FFS, the casualty list of the USS Arizona includes crew members, most of them rated petty officers, which include two Filipinos, two Canadians, and four Guamanians, by place of birth.
The Medal Of Honor website notes that there have been 764 foreign-born recipients of the nation’s highest military honor, and not all of them elected to pursue U.S. citizenship either.
I also recollect there being an entire US Army Regimental Combat Team made up entirely of resident aliens and 1st generation American citizens of Japanese origin during WWII as well, who seem to have demonstrated their loyalty to the republic rather conclusively.
You’re simply reading too much into a photo caption without any supporting evidence.
The world is filled with American citizens.
Not all of them were born here.
Nor ever were.
The only thing they can’t be, by law, is POTUS. (And even that sensible restriction has arguably already been de facto breached).
If the Garza in that caption shows up for duty at the appointed time and in the designated uniform, and faithfully follows the orders of officers and petty officers appointed over him, the only thing he can rightly be accused of is being a sailor in the US Navy. Hopefully, his marksmanship with his weapon system is up to snuff.
Other than my natural regard for members of the weaker sister service, I have nothing against that, and see no reason to pick a fight with him purely because of his birthplace. (Like the rest of us, he wasn’t consulted about where he was birthed. In fact, the only choice he’s made is where he’s currently berthed: abord a US man-of-war, a ship of the line, and he’s elected to go for a rate in about the most overtly combatant combat arm the Navy has, where ships are concerned, and the only thing more badass in that entire service than that, IMHO, is the occ field that requires a Hell Week initiation. YMMV.)
And when last I looked, John Paul Jones wasn’t born in the United States either, and look how he turned out.
Just saying.
Divemedic · October 21, 2024 at 2:26 pm
All of those things are true. What is also true is that people not from America are much more likely to fire upon American citizens when ordered to do so. After all, that’s how things were done where they are from.
As Andrew Wilkow says: “You can’t bring there here without here becoming there.”
Aesop · October 22, 2024 at 10:23 am
That depends on a lot of things. If he only left Mexico five seconds before he enlisted, he might be more likely.
But if he came over as an infant, all he knows is 20 years of America as far back as he can remember, he is, in all likelihood, the American version of “more English than the bloody English”, and bleeds red, white, and blue, rather than being a budding jack-booted thug.
As to “far more likely”, there doesn’t seem to be any empirical evidence of the 442d RCT shooting their officers in the back at a greater rate than the rest of the Army in the ETO, so I’m wondering what makes you think that’s true.
When China needed to gun down protesters in Tiananmen Square, they didn’t bring in foreigners. They simply got other Chinese, in that case country bumpkins from the sticks, to gun down the college students from Beijing.
Germany didn’t bring in foreigners to round up Germany’s Jews, communists, gypsies, gays, and political troublemakers; that was homegrown Germans who did the dirty work.
So again and again, it’s the homegrown thugs that are the problem.
Once again, the kid in the pic has evidently impressed the hell out of his chain of command enough for three enlisted promotions, into the petty officer ranks, so he’s not likely any form of shitbird.
You’re conflating grabbing neck-tatted cartels members off the streets of Jalisco and sheep-dipping them as sailors in job lots – which isn’t happening – with what’s very probably a kid who’d decided that serving his country is a better career path than dealing dope and shooting up the ‘hood.
You’ve laid on a shitload of assumptions backed up by pure speculation, and I’d give him the kid the benefit of the doubt.
Fully a third of my MCRD platoon was hispanic, mostly Mexican, and none of them were grilled about how many minutes they’d been here before they signed up.
And when they graduated (as every one of them did) they were simply Marines.
Nobody puts up with three months of boot camp hell here because they want to shoot up the citizenry.
And a lot of times, the people that choose their citizenship have a much greater love for this country than people who are only here by accident of birth. The foreign-born grifters always seem to end up in politics, not military service.
Show me evidence someone’s a douchebag, and I’ll happily throw them under the bus.
But the military of this country, since Day One, has always provided one helluva good way for people from around the world to demonstrate where their true loyalty and allegiance lies.
Von Steuben, Kosciuszko, Jones, and Lafayette, among others, should ring bells there.
A huge number of Army SF for the first 20 years they existed was born somewhere else, no small number from countries that ended up behind the Iron Curtain when the dust settled after WWII.
When last I looked, the real fuckups in the Navy, going back 40 years, and up until 0.2 seconds ago, have all been up in Officer’s Country, mostly the ones in flag quarters, not the petty officers, and every one of them was born here. We have as many admirals as ships currently, and yet the miracle is no Navy ships have been conned into one another for a couple of years, which is a current Navy safety record of some note, mostly due to a lot of ships remaining tied up at dockside due to lack of ability to get underway. You can’t crash what you never take out for a spin, which is apparently the only way the current Navy can keep from hitting anything else on the seven seas. None of that is because of kids enlisting from other countries.
In short, I’m a lot less worried about a GM3 gunning down Americans than I am an O-8 from the Prick Factory at Annapolis or the Ivy Leagues giving them such a cornholed illegal order in the first place. The only thing that gives me hope is that over time, the guys down at the crappy end of things know which way to roll their frag grenades when they realize their officers aren’t worth a shit, and are a bigger risk to them than the enemy.
People don’t join, let alone excel in, the US military because they want to kill their fellow Americans. So while you’ll get, and can point to, things like the Whiskey Rebellion or marching on the Bonus Army, those occurred with native-born Americans, not hordes of foreign conscripts, and I doubt most of the troops in any branch will ever sit still for that kind of thing over the long haul, rather than for a very brief incident.
The problem isn’t (and probably never will be) the Garzas in uniform.
It’s the 30M lumpenproletariat illegals here without any pretense of stopping them or going after them, and the top-tier military brassholes who haven’t seen the resignation of one single O-7 or higher, from any service branch, for having the balls to call out the immense threat to national security that poses, and put their stars on the line to call out the civilian PTB for letting it happen in the first place.
The Mexicans and other foreigners I’m worried about aren’t in boots and dungarees manning a weapon on the deck. They’re the ones hanging out at the corner of Main & Civvy Street. That’s an army I’d like to see cut down in swathes.
Bonus points if it’s by the Garzas already serving their adopted country.
Big Country Expat · October 22, 2024 at 10:57 pm
Just as and aside Aesop, your statement: Germany didn’t bring in foreigners to round up Germany’s Jews, communists, gypsies, gays, and political troublemakers; that was homegrown Germans who did the dirty work.
Let me tell you bro, from experience, the MAJORITY of the hardcore “Germans” were actually Austrians. The Austrians made up like 75% of the SS and were the real bastards back in the day
I lived in Austria for about a year as kid… even attended the local Volks-shule. When I revisited it as a young US Soldat, The locals only accepted me as some of them remembered me as the ‘non-jew American kid that they went to school with’
A VERY tough and hard mountain folk, who LOVED Das Fuher as he too was a fellow Austrian.
Any wonder why the “Edelweiss” mountaineering award came from that particular Area of Operations?
Aesop · October 24, 2024 at 9:03 am
Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and Heinrich Müller were all born in Munich, and Adolph Eichmann was born in Solingen, all of which was German. Only Ernst Kaltenbrunner was born in Austria. They were all SS senior leadership.
Of the fifteen attendees at the Wannsee Conference, where the entire Holocaust “Final Solution” was blueprinted and planned, all but two (Hoffman and Leibrandt) were homegrown Germans, and only Otto Hoffman was an Austrian. That’s 86% German, 7% Austrian.
If you have other sources for the Nazi and SS rank and file, I’d be interested to see them. By and large, it was Bavarian rednecks, not Austrians, who seem to have been the hardest-core Nazi cadre.
Homegrown FTW.
I have no doubt that, being the dispossessed rulers of a fallen empire, Austrians felt more love for Hitler’s Germany than any other affiliation in Europe from 1920-1945, which was why the 1938 Anshluss was a bloodless coup. But it was Germany that led Austria off the cliff, not the other way around, Hitler’s origins notwithstanding, because he had to travel to Munich to find a following.
Most post-war Germans old enough to remember, when asked, display mass amnesia of the events of 1933-1945, and they’ve mostly passed that virus intact onto succeeding generations.
cf. Waldheimer’s Disease
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