Email from Stephanie Coccarelli of Fredonia

Check it out. The idiot is still pushing it. The following email is from Stephanie Tuttle Coccarelli of Fredonia, NY, a 30 year old Recruiting specialist who works for Venture Forthe, as per her public Facebook and LinkedIn account postings.

How did your convo with my FORMER employer go?

You can expect my attorney’s response and police report to follow. 😉

Unless you’d like to just remove the identifiable information now. You do not have my permission to share and I will involve whoever needs to be involved to get it removed. 

I have already been in contact with all of your registrars to have my personal information removed. 

I never doxxed you, like you’re falsely claiming so maybe we need to consider investigating libel as well. 

Consider this an informal cease and desist, while the mail delivers the certified copy. 

Let me explain to you how the world works. You told me that you were reporting me to my registrar, and were going to get me fired. You set up a campaign amongst your followers to get me kicked off Twitter. I have screen shots. Truth is an absolute defense to libel. It’s called the substantial truth doctrine. Everything that I posted was true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Again, I have screen shots to prove it. Remember that in any legal action, everything that you posted is admissible and can be produced by Twitter in response to a subpoena. Oh, and I am saving a copy of your email as proof of your continued threats and harassment. Appended to the end of this post is the header from your email. So let’s review your statements:

You said that “Good thing your [sic] pretty anonymous or you’d be getting called in to HR for violations of your obligation to treat all patients with respect.” then you included a picture of a hand flipping the bird. So the implied threat here is that, once you identify me, you will be calling my HR department. Now that you have emailed me, I guess the conditions for you threatening my job have been met. Oh, and posting screen shots of this blog on Twitter and making threats is also evidence of your stalking..

I believe that your CURRENT employer is Venture Forthe, since you posted about a job fair there just last year. You made the post public specifically so that it could be shared. That places it in the public domain, you stupid cow.

Everything that I posted was freely available public records, or had been freely shared by you on the Internet. There is nothing illegal about that, as things YOU post on the Internet are in the public domain. Registrars have no control over content, so they aren’t going to be doing anything. You don’t know what a registrar is, and I am betting you don’t have a lawyer, either. If you did, he would be facepalming at how you keep stalking me.

There is nothing legally actionable in me responding in kind to your continued campaign of harassment. I am not removing shit. Send me a cease and desist, send in a police report, I don’t care. I also want to point out that every time you send me something, I will post a link to that information, which will only serve to increase my search engine rankings and make it more visible to search engines like Google. Thanks. I can see the posts where you asked your followers to identify me and come after me. I have screenshots of that, too.

My advice to you is this: Let it go. As long as you keep this going, it keeps going. Or you can keep throwing your temper tantrum and stalking me, and we keep posting about this. In the meantime, everything that you post is being recorded for posterity, because the Internet is forever.

Received: from ([])
by <redacted> with LMTP
id YFoRFm/ycGS0dQAAnHysww:P1
for; Fri, 26 May 2023 17:54:55 +0000
Received: from ([])
by<redacted> with LMTP
id YFoRFm/ycGS0dQAAnHysww
for; Fri, 26 May 2023 17:54:55 +0000


The woman who decided to come after my job and my rights to speak? I don’t know if it’s because of Social Media blowback, or if it was in response to me emailing her employer, but her Twitter account is now set to private.

Who got silenced now, bitch? Since you like Breakfast club quotes so much (that is how I found so much of your shit- you used the same quote on every one of your social media accounts)

We are not taking your shit any more, Karens of the world. Check Target’s stock price for more details.


This was all she got with all of that:

I had to remove the post that called her a whore. Hey Stephanie- how did your meeting with HR go?

Don’t Come At Me

The liberal skank that threatened to come after this website and my job? Thanks to a reader tip and a short records search, I know who she is.

She threatened to contact my employer to get me fired. She contacted this website’s registrar in an attempt to have this blog deplatformed. She posted to social media, asking people to help identify me so I could be canceled. She tried to doxx me. Turnabout is fair play.

She is Stephanie Tuttle Coccarelli of Fredonia, NY and is 30 years old. She has worked as a recruiter for a home health agency since February 2022. She is no record of her having a nursing license in NY, so her profile claim of being a nurse is a lie. The agency is a home health care agency and she is an office drone. She claims that she has fired lots of nurses for refusing to honor a patient’s pronouns and claims that she will get my HR to do the same to me if she can figure out who I am and where I work. She doesn’t hire or fire anyone. Again, HR office recruiter drone. Here is her picture. Note the Magic Marker drawn in eyebrows and glasses that make her look like Mrs. Potatohead.

Her Instagram is here.

She uses three email addresses that I could find:


The more she wants to come at me, the more of a profile I will build. If she keeps it up, I will get a PI and a lawyer. Defamation, libel, and slander suits can be a real bitch.

I may send a comment to her employer today to let them know how she spends her workday.


I think I pissed her off.
on at least two of her profiles:

So in response, I sent this message to her employer, using the contact us link on the website.

I would like to let you know that one of your recruiters, Stephanie Coccarelli, is spending her workday on social media telling nurses that she will write to their employers and get them fired for disagreeing with her political opinions. You don’t have to believe me, check it out for yourself. Her twitter handles are @stephc1024 and @stepht1024. I’m staying anonymous because she is obviously vindictive.

Do I think she will get fired? No, but I am betting that her boss will talk to her about this. Maybe she will eventually back off of attacking me. The worst she can do to me at this point is get my Twitter account banned. So? I have several, just like she does. Banning me from Twitter won’t hurt me a bit. It isn’t like I wasn’t banned several times during the Liberal censorship days before Musk bought the place.

I really enjoy pissing off people like her. She is a liberal, antigun, proabortion, pro-tranny leftist moonbat who spends her working hours on social media doxxing, insulting, and attacking people on Twitter. She decided to threaten me, my business, and my job online because I made a statement of opinion, then proceeded to do exactly that. So turnabout is fair play. This isn’t work, it’s actually fun.


My sister called me last night. She works as a teacher here in Central Florida. She was contacted earlier in the week by her Principal because the mother of one of her students contacted the Superintendent’s office to complain that her son was being “targeted” by his teacher, as evidenced by his poor grades and discipline problems. The district office is sending an administrator to my sister’s school, so that they can meet with my sister, her Principal, and the parent to discuss the problem.

The problem? The kid is being suspended for calling another kid a “nigger” while they were at lunch. My sister isn’t the one who wrote the referral, the Principal is. My sister, as the teacher, was required to email the parent, as per district policy. The mother was very angry and claimed that her child “doesn’t even know that word.” She then demanded that my sister call her so they could discuss it. My sister wisely refused, and wants everything dealt with in writing. So that is why the parent has complained.

As soon as I heard “targeted” I knew without being told that this was a black student who was going to throw down the race card. I told her that, since this was a discipline meeting, she was entitled to have her union representative there as a matter of Federal law. I don’t really like a lot of what the union does, but in this case, it’s important to remember that there will be two administrators and a parent there. You will be alone, and need a witness there that will be somewhat impartial.

When I told her that, my sister replied, “Oh, no. The principal told me that this wasn’t a meeting where I would be disciplined. It’s just an informal meeting.” No. There is no such thing as an informal meeting when there are multiple administrators in a room with a parent making racism accusations against you. You are white, and that means you are guilty. If either of those administrators can avoid trouble by tossing you in front of that bus, they will do it without a second thought. That’s when my sister said, “Oh my principal is black. She told me that she knows I am not a racist.”

Oh shit. It was at that point that I began to wonder whether or not my sister should bring not just a union rep, but a lawyer. If this woman wants to claim that racism is why her child is failing and getting in trouble, the only white person in the room is going to be the target.

Racism is a serious charge for a teacher. Not only will it cost you your job, it can cost you your teaching license. There goes your career, and my sister doesn’t have the looks for only fans.

I’ve seen this show before. I know how it turns out. You can win, but you need lawyers, representation, witnesses, and money. I got in that fight back in 2016, and I wound up quitting and going to a different school. The old school then tried to have my professional licenses revoked. They failed and I won, but it cost me nearly $10,000 in legal fees and I wound up switching jobs.

I don’t think that my sister has that kind of money.

So when the meeting happens this week, she will have a union representative there. At least she took my advice. She usually asks for my advice, then goes in a different direction. Then she comes to me and wants advice on the situation that she got into because she didn’t follow my original advice. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

NHL Players’ Pushback Against Woke Nonsense

Several NHL teams are catching static because their players are refusing to wear rainbow themed uniforms during pregame warmups. The league declared an annual ‘Pride’ month to honor faggotry, and now some of the players are refusing to drop to their knees. (see what I did there?) The left is trying to cancel them, calling them names like “coward” because they won’t honor this woke garbage.

I thought that sports teams were supposed to support the political statements of their players, or does that only apply when they are kneeling during the national anthem?

Garbage, Not Science

I saw this a week or so ago, and wanted to comment, but hey, lots of things going on. There is this study being talked about that claims resumes with they/them listed as pronouns are more likely to be overlooked than other resumes. It’s a garbage study. Let me explain:

The flaw lies in the methods of the researchers. They sent two sets of identical resumes in to prospective employers in an effort to test “whether or not the inclusion of gender-neutral pronouns impacts how employers perceive resumes.” Both featured a gender-ambiguous name, ‘Taylor Williams.’ The only difference between the test and control resumes was the presence of gender pronouns on the test version. The test resume included “they/them” pronouns under the name in the header.

The flaw here is obvious. In order for a study to be valid, you should conduct the test with the control having only one difference from the test. That difference is called the dependent variable. In this case the dependent variable is the presence or absence of preferred pronouns, NOT the presence or absence of “they/them” as opposed to “he/him” or even “she/her.”

So all they have proven is that people who put preferred pronouns in their resumes are less likely to get hired. They set out to prove that nonbinary applicants were being discriminated against, but all they managed to provide was evidence that employers don’t want the drama of assholes who insist that everyone use their preferred pronouns. It’s my guess that, should the study be repeated with the other pronouns, the results would be similar. The last thing that a company needs is some woke gender pronoun warrior running around, creating drama and potentially suing because they were misgendered.

Companies don’t like drama, they don’t like getting sued. Companies are funny like that.