If you are a Christian with a teaching certification who lives in Arizona, or are a student at Arizona Christian University, you should sue the school board of the Washington Elementary School Board for saying that Christians can’t teach there
Proselytizing is embedded into how they teach. And I just don’t believe that that belongs in schools.
A Christian school in Kansas changed its stance last year and declared that they were supportive of the LGTWHATEVER community. Donations dried up to the point that they are closing.
It’s obvious that this is nothing more than a ploy to make sure people know that the Democratic party is the party of slavery and the KKK. It’s also pretty damned funny.
The leftists in the Blue cities want to starve the red states out economically until we submit to their socialism and gun control. The Civil War that follows is going to be epic. Larry Correia cuts to the quick in his usual outspoken style.
Good luck “starving out” the states that grow all your food, dumbfuck. https://t.co/ANs0XAlxkC
The Hallmark channel, just like most other channels, has been overrun with gay characters. It seems as thought it is a requirement that every show have at least one gay character. It turns out that this is indeed the case, as the new Great American Family network, which has been described as ‘the God-and-country alternative for holiday entertainment,’ is discovering.
Stars have left Hallmark because of its bend to the right and loss of traditional family values, so they could join the new GAFN. Hallmark released its first film with a gay couple prominently featured, The Christmas House, in 2020. The new GAFN network announced that they will focus on ‘traditional marriage’ instead of gay couples, and the woke army is already attacking them for it.
Every time someone accuses the left of having or following a “gay agenda,” the answer is always “there is no gay agenda.” I think that we can put that to rest. Step out of line, and the Gay Mafia will make sure you get canceled.
This week has seen the left going apoplectic over Elon Musk buying Twitter and saying he will reinstate many on the right who have been banned. The left is claiming that they will leave Twitter while loudly stamping their metaphorical feet on the way out.
They will do no such thing.
Just like their threats of leaving for Canada, and their claims of becoming so-called ‘Sanctuary Cities,’ they are 100% full of bovine excrement. When we on the right are denied a voice, the left takes away our hosting services, they take away our ability to have a domain name, they take away our access. Then they tell us, “If you don’t like it, just go create and build your own Twitter and Facebook.”
Elon Musk has done none of that. All he has done is say that he believes in free speech. The left still has the ability to say what they wish. They can still avoid hearing what they wish at the touch of a “Block” button. As they told us, it’s a free country. There is nothing stopping you from starting your own Twitter. Except when there is.
The next argument that we had thrown in our faces was “Twitter, Facebook, and the like are private companies. They can ban whomever they choose.” Having the power to ban whomever you choose carries with it the ability to NOT ban whomever they choose.
The tolerant left hates when people have or express an opinion that is different from their own. They hate that to the point where even this blog in its little corner of the Internet causes people to enter spastic fits of comment posting rage that are so incessant that even when they are banned from posting, they continue to send threats and insults by email, and when those are ignored, they begin posting comments on other blogs, attempting to continue the argument.
The left doesn’t just want to have its own voice heard, it needs to silence the voices of everyone else. This is a sign of a weak philosophy or faulty idea. If your system of beliefs is so weak that it cannot stand against opposing ideas, then it mustn’t be a very robust system.
I have to say that the left losing its collective mind because they can’t just go out and start their own Twitter is giving me a schadenboner.
That is why you didn’t go see the Bros movie, according to its director. The movie hasn’t even paid for half of its costs, and the director is getting something (half) right.
He finally admits that the US public doesn’t want to see woke garbage about queers wanting to put body parts into each other’s rectums in casual weekend romps. He starts by trying to claim that no one likes seeing comedies, but then really goes off the deep end and says:
It is very strange just because the movie is so much fun. And as someone who makes comedies for movie theaters — or did until, I guess, this weekend — I love seeing comedies in movie theaters, and people do. It’s almost like people don’t know what’s good for them.
The American public DOES like to see comedies. We just expect comedy to be, you know, actually funny. My wife and I love movies like the Hangover series, 21 and 22 Jump Street, and My Cousin Vinny. Movies about gay men engaging in orgies are just not funny. I don’t care what the woke lefty film critics have to say, people don’t think these kinds of movies are worth paying money to see.
First, why? I taught both my son and daughter how to cook. Being able to cook a meal is a skill that all functional adults should have.
Second: This is why so many men no longer want to get married. What does a woman who has no job skills, can’t cook, can’t maintain the household, and is a sedentary lie-about offer to a relationship? What does she bring to the table? Congratulations to the woke crowd for reducing a woman’s value to merely being life support for a vagina.
most modern women are not able to boil water, much less cook a meal. They are often slobs. They often do not want children and those who do want children think motherhood consists of laying by the pool while sipping Kahlua mudslides.
Most modern women don’t have the skills that would allow them to earn a lot of money. They might have a degree, but it is in something useless like avant-garde poetry, or gender studies. On the other hand, the few women who do have marketable skills have jettisoned anything that made them feminine: charm, the capacity to nurture, and the ability to be receptive. In other words, most modern women, like very small children, have no skills. The only thing they bring to a relationship is their vagina. Unlike children though, they have no excuse.
The Miami Fire Department terminated firefighter Kevin Newcomb for making comments about a police detective who died in the line of duty this week, and in favor of gun control. It was pretty outrageous stuff.
This is what he wrote:
Who cares? Another dead cop, probably against gun control. They didn’t give a fuck when kids were dying in that school shooting they stood outside. Cops exist for the government to exercise its monopoly on violence. They want the whole world to stop when one of theirs goes down. How many idiots I had to transport with honor guard their dead bodies from coronavirus because they all were too stupid to wear masks or get vaccinated. All cops are good for is protecting the rich property owners and the status quo. Everything else is a farce. Fuck the police.
Firefighter Kevin Newcomb on Miami Detective Cesar Echaverry’s death
If the left can cancel anyone they disagree with, so can we.
We have confirmed that the firefighter in question authored a written statement using a social media platform that demonstrated a disregard for human life, demonstrated a violent and antagonistic stance towards civil servants and represented conduct unbecoming of a Miami Firefighter. These characteristics make it impossible for this individual to carry out his duties as a first responder in the City of Miami.
Fire Chief Joseph Zahralban
The firefighter was suspended with pay on Thursday to permit the Miami Fire Rescue department to complete its investigation into the text message. The agency announced his firing less than 24 hours later.