Portland is Enemy Territory

A Portland jury found two Antifa members not liable for attacks on journalist Andy Ngo after defense lawyer Michelle Burrows told the jurors that not only does she self-identify as both a progressive and an “anti-fascist,” she strongly declared, “I am Antifa” and insisted upon making herself an “I am Antifa” t-shirt, which she said she would wear after the trial. Then made the statement that this would be her last trial, before telling the jurors that she “will remember each one of their faces.”

There is a reason why I have advised everyone to get out of the entire area of Portland, which can best be described as being behind enemy lines. Anyone who finds themselves in this area is advised to leave immediately, even if this means abandoning property.

There is no longer any redress available through the courts in large areas of the country. The only justice you get is what you take for yourself. As we approach another election season, expect violence to begin ramping up. Make sure that you are familiar with your area and have identified those who may be enemy combatants.

The Question

The left likes to pretend that the road is public, and

  • they have the same right to stand there and block the road as drivers have to drive on the road
  • this is a ‘peaceful protest’
  • until someone tries to get through, then this is considered “violence” against the crowd on the part of the driver that permits them to attack that driver in self defense through a twisted interpretation of “stand your ground”

In other words, allow them to block the road, or get physically attacked by the “peaceful” crowd. They have taken Ghandi’s tactic of sitting there and waiting for the government to use force in removing you- a so called “sit in” and turned it up to level 11 by using force to hold their position.

This is, in my opinion no different than the person who engages in a “peaceful rape,” a peaceful armed robbery, or a peaceful occupation of your house by an armed home invader. It’s the “or else” that changes the act of peaceful protest into an act of violence. This is the threat of force in order to get the public to capitulate to their demands. They are holding the ability to travel and engage in commerce hostage while holding a metaphorical gun to the heads of those who refuse to comply.

They claim that they are unarmed. False. They are armed in that the amount of force that can be brought to bear by a large crowd is far in excess of the capabilities of individuals that would oppose them. The only choices that an individual has is to:

  • Try and reverse down the highway, which is unsafe and impractical or
  • sit there, or
  • Drive through.

Once the person attempts to sit there, the crowd will usually try to disable and/or gain entry to the passenger compartment by breaking the glass. This means that there is only one remaining option is the last one: floor it.

This is nothing more than holding someone against their will. The legal term for this false imprisonment. In Florida, false imprisonment is a felony.

787.02 (1)(a) The term “false imprisonment” means forcibly, by threat, or secretly confining, abducting, imprisoning, or restraining another person without lawful authority and against her or his will.

(b) Confinement of a child under the age of 13 is against her or his will within the meaning of this section if such confinement is without the consent of her or his parent or legal guardian.

(2) A person who commits the offense of false imprisonment is guilty of a felony of the third degree

Since it involves the threat of force, or if the crowd has already used force, a person has the right to use a reasonable amount of force in order to prevent the imminent commission of that felony. That would be the case that I would make, were I forced to drive over the crowd that was attempting to hold me against my will.

Antifa Intel: Getting Spicier

From Peter over at Bayou Renaissance Man, we see the latest tactics being used attacks from Antifa. They are running their operations like a military ambush. Watch the video below:

They have an assault element, consisting of two members with umbrellas and one with pepper spray. The assault element engages the peaceful protesters by coordinating to spray them in the face with pepper spray.

They also have a fire support element, consisting of two members armed with AR-pattern rifles carried at the low ready as they approach the ambush location to make sure that no one defends themselves from the assault elements. Note that all have on helmets, masks, and communication devices (probably Baofeng) radios.

Note that when the cops go to arrest the guy who actually used the pepper spray, other Antifa members attempted to actively interfere in the arrest. They do this knowing full well that they will be bailed out and have their lawyers paid for. Note that arrestee #3 claims to be a medic coming to help.

With all of this, the left still claims that Antifa doesn’t exist.

Arrestee #1

Samuel Fowlkes, 20, a tranny terrorist that is a member of Antifa, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a peace officer, four counts of assault causing bodily injury, evading arrest & resisting arrest.

Arrestee # 2

Note the plate carrier

Christopher Guillott, 33, is a leader of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. He was arrested outside a drag show in Fort Worth, Texas on April 23 and charged with assault on a peace officer & interfering with public duties.

Arrestee #3

Meghan Grant, 37, of Dallas, is a communist tranny Antifa member who claims to be nonbinary. She (he? it’s confusing) was arrested on April 23 in Fort Worth and charged with resisting an arrest and interfering with public duties. Grant is member of the North Texas cell of the John Brown Gun Club.

Why is she purple and shaped like a butt plug? Wait, that may not be her. It’s hard to tell.

All of the Antifa suspects were bailed out within hours by the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club they are a part of used CashApp to facilitate cash donations. The campaign was promoted on Twitter by far-left extremists.

These guys are becoming more and more dangerous, and are displaying a level of organization and C3 that is impossible to understate. They have a communications plan, they are motivated, and appear to be standardizing their loadouts. This is a real threat to everyone, unless you are organized and operating in mutually supporting groups. This is the sort of language being posted by arrestee #1:

They are mentally unstable, delusional, and ready to commit suicide. Any person willing to take their own life is willing to take yours without a second thought. Let’s not give them the opportunity. These people are getting more and more dangerous as time goes on. Don’t assume that you live in a totally safe area. Still, some areas are more dangerous than others. See the ‘zones’ link at the top of the page for more details. I just added Fort Worth to zone 1, and Austin has been recently upgraded to a zone 3.

So, how do you counter this?

First, intel. We need to have anyone in the area monitoring the local frequencies with radio scanners. I would suggest beginning with the FRS, MURS, and GMRS frequencies. If those come up empty, HAM 2 meter band. Looking at the antennas on their radios, I think they are using one of those. We need to be able to monitor (and record) their radio traffic. Figure out their comm plan. We desperately need more intel, and I think SIGINT will pay off.

Then, when things begin to get spicy:

I would suggest that the best way to defeat them is to use the same tactics, just better executed. Anyone protesting needs to have an overwatch position for recon, and a fire support element. When the fire support fags come out of hiding to prance across the street like they own the place and begin threatening others, the opposing fire support element needs to be prepared to light their asses up. (In self defense, of course. I would never suggest breaking the law.) Overwhelm them with incoming fire. They are wearing varying amounts of body armor, so aiming for the belt buckle is probably more effective. A couple of casualties will teach them that sometimes waving guns around isn’t enough to get the OPFOR to back down.

I’m Not Touching You

Remember when you were a kid, and your sibling would play the “I’m not touching you” game to piss you off?

Sometime, someone, is going to have to stop putting up with this behavior and begin feeding guys like this their whistles and their teeth.

EDIT: After thinking about this some more, I thought about how “misgendering” someone is considered violence by the left, but blowing a whistle in an old lady’s ear is celebrated. Read the comments.

Who is Jo to assume the whistle-blower’s gender? Isn’t that violence?

SPLC= Domestic Terror Organization

It seems that the Southern Poverty Law Center needs to list itself as a Domestic Terror Organization, seeing as how one of the attorneys on staff there has been charged with Domestic Terrorism, with authorities alleging that the attorney participated in a mostly peaceful protest by throwing deadly missiles at police. The left continues to gaslight everyone with this:

“Music is not a crime, protest is not a crime. The first amendment doesn’t go away when a single person sets a fire,” the Atlanta Solidarity Fund tweeted following the events of the day.

That’s bullshit and they know it. If one person robs a bank, the getaway driver is still guilty of bank robbery, even if he never enters the bank. They continued with their bullshit by making this claim:

Destruction of material is fundamentally different from violence.

Again, that is total and complete bullshit. This is how the left defines “mostly peaceful.” Under the SPLC’s own definition, they are an anti-government hate group.

Summary Dismissal?

Gaige Grosskreutz is suing Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting him. Now I want you to watch this video clip and tell me what you think will happen. (I have it queued up to the relevant part)

I know that later, Grosskreutz claimed that he only pointed the gun at Rittenhouse because he was in fear for his life, but he didn’t testify to that at all until that point. He never once mentioned self defense.

Antifa Photo Intel

Just in case you were wondering what Antifa is up to- here is a picture of them in Denton, TX, where the Antifa insurgents were providing armed protection for a drag show performance aimed at children. Note that the police and Antifa were working together at this event. At this point, residents of Denton, TX can assume that local LE are allied with Antifa. For this reason, Denton (a suburb on the NW side of Dallas) is now added to Zone 2.

The guy on the right is carrying an AR made from an 80 percent lower. His kit is rather sparse. No TQ, no FA kit, nothing but weapon, some ammo, and a radio. In fact, both of them look light on ammo. Less than 100 rounds tells me that they are there more for photo ops on social media and intimidation than they are for fighting, but then again, no one has really offered any fight, so I guess that doesn’t matter. I would also take careful notice that the guy on the right is wearing a body camera. So is the one behind him (mostly hidden by the Fag Flag) you can see the camera between the rainbow flag and the red one.

Looks like both have plates, but they don’t have helmets or pelvic coverage. I bet 62 grains moving at a couple of thousand feet per second through their pelvis would make them combat ineffective.

The idiot dressed like a cat is in the way of me getting a good look at the guy on the left, so we need to take a look at a different photo to see his kit a bit better.

Taking a look at his AR, it looks like an 80 percent lower as well. That bag marked as a FA kit doesn’t look large enough to be serious.

The third guy I want to take a look at may or may not be a skinny chick (on the left).

A couple of interesting things here. The boots are well worn. The only ammo carried is the mag that is loaded into the mag well of the (again) 80 percent AR. One odd thing is that the gas block has a plastic thread on it that looks like it secured the price tag to it at one point.

Another interesting thing about the ARs- they are all 80 percent lowers, but the similarity in parts ends there. That would seem to indicate that each of them made their own weapon. The thing is, every one of the ARs in these photos look like they are brand new. Not single flaw in the bluing. No wear, no scratches. Not anywhere. It’s like they have never been fired or even handled all that often. I am wondering if they have even been zeroed.

Anyway, if you see anything interesting in these photos, let me know in comments.

Don’t Underestimate your Opponent

I have been reading recent comments where people are bragging about how quickly they are going to show those Antifa morons how it’s done. I think that this is a great opportunity to repeat my earlier warnings.

It would be fairly easy to dismiss this group as a bunch of 20 something soyboy cucks who are cosplaying the revolutionary role while still living at home with mom and dad. That would be a mistake. While it is accurate that they are a bunch of man-children who still live at home and have no real career, this group is much more than that.

They have organization, a decent command and control network (pay special attention to their command structure from that link), funding enough for travel, attorneys, equipment, and an extensive propaganda network. They have the support of Congressmen, Senators, many in law enforcement, and quite a few prosecutors. Their members are motivated and becoming better equipped and trained by the minute.

Judge them by the fact that they are brazen and have no problem breaking the law. They have little to lose, and are out there carrying out violent attacks while the government sits on its hands, and those of us on the right largely sit around and complain about it on the Internet. Those on the right who DO stand up and say something are declared to be the terrorists and wind up being tortured for over a year in Federal prison, without trial and without bail.

They are dangerous and effective by the only metric that matters: they are succeeding, especially in Democrat controlled areas.