
The National Hockey League is adding a team during the off season this year. The team is the Seattle Kraken. I love the team name, because the jokes write themselves:

  • Fans could be the Krakheads
  • Cheerleaders could be the Krakwhores
  • Before every game, as the team takes the ice: “Release the Kraken”
  • The could even call the arena where the team plays “The Krakhouse”

Nevermind. Being Seattle, they have to fuck it all up, and call the arena “The Climate Pledge Arena” with the following pledge:

Our goal is to be the most progressive, responsible, and sustainable arena in the world.

It might sound ambitious—
but that’s the point.

Predatory victory

The point of society is to protect the future for its weaker members. Like any herd, the members of society, even society itself, is there to defend the weaker members, who are usually children and females. Predators don’t attack the strong, they attack the weak, the ones less likely to effectively defend themselves.

SCOTUS today refused to hear a case involving same sex bathroom use. In effect, people are now free to use whatever bathroom that they feel most closely reflects their gender at any given moment.

I want all of you to think about the implications for a moment. I am a 50 something year old man. The law as it is now says that it is discriminatory under Federal law to prohibit me from entering whatever bathroom I feel like matches my chosen gender identity. Were I still a teacher, I could walk into the girl’s bathroom, whip out my penis in full view, and take a leak. Sorry girls, some of us have a penis. Not all women have vaginas. Sick, right?

Child molesters, teenage boys who want to see naked teenaged girls, and any other pervert who wishes to can now use whatever bathroom tickles their fancy.

This law favors the strong while placing weaker individuals at risk. Children, girls, and women are now officially at the mercy of grown men who would use this as an excuse to gain access to the targets of their sick urges in a private location. This is a complete failure of society in protecting its weaker members.

Use the same law to your own advantage. Escort your young children and your women to the bathroom. This law also says that they can’t keep you out either, should you suddenly decide that you feel like you are a woman for the next few minutes. If your woman is older, teach her to defend herself. If she is younger, protect her like the defenseless cub she is.

Pepper spray the fuck out of any predator who even looks at your little girl while she is in the bathroom. Then get the fuck out of there. Don’t stick around so the fucking pervert can claim to be the victim when the cops arrive. It is up to you to defend your weaker loved ones, because society is failing.

The predators are now permitted access to the watering hole. Don’t let your loved ones be a gazelle at the mercy of those who would feed on them.


A teacher being suspended for refusing to use a tranny student’s preferred pronoun? I can believe it.

Just a few months ago, I was instructed by a school administrator that we have to call a student by whatever name and pronoun they select for themselves. Not only that, but we aren’t permitted to “out” them to their parents. I refused, and nothing was done to me, but I am in a much more conservative area than Virginia.

In 2016, we were told that we had to prevent bullying of LGBTQABC students, and we were also supposed to have frank, real, and welcoming discussions about the “gay” lifestyle with our students. I also refused. They even gave us a handout to show the kids.

The kids of this nation are not only being indoctrinated, they are deliberately being turned into little, freakish leftbots. One of the many, many reasons why I left education.

Last laugh

Guess who came to see me today? The doctor from this post. Yes, he is still wearing two masks. No, I was not wearing one. Also no, he didn’t say a word. Now that the CDC has declared him to have been wrong the entire time, he is being much nicer.

He was actually really nice and even thanked me for helping him with a few of his patients today.

Destroying women’s sports

There are millions of dollars in scholarships to be won by athletes. Men who are not fast enough to win as men are identifying and competing as women. Biological women are being beaten by these men.

 I’ve lost four women’s state championship titles, two all-New England awards, and numerous other spots on the podium to male runners. I was bumped to third place in the 55-meter dash in 2019, behind two male runners. With every loss, it gets harder and harder to try again.

That’s a devastating experience. It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman.

How can the Democrats claim to be feminists while they are busy destroying women’s sports? Soon, there will be no women’s sports. It will be men, and men who claim to be women that are winning everything. Women will once again be relegated to the kitchen.

How does THAT make the left pro-woman?

Faking climate change

There are stories everywhere about subtropical storm Ana. Each of these stories mentions that this is an early storm, that this is the seventh consecutive year that a named storm occurred prior to the start of the storm season, and that there have been more storms than “normal.”

and it is misleading.

Why it’s misleading is that “subtropical” storms were not included in named storms until 2002. What does this mean? In the 19 hurricane seasons that subtropical storms have been added to the naming system, there have been an average of 16 named storms per year, with only 4 of those seasons seeing fewer than 12 storms. In the 19 seasons prior to 2002, there were an average of 11 named storms per year, with ten of those seasons having fewer than 12 storms.

So why did the criteria for naming storms change? If you look at the statistics for named storms, something jumps out at you. The number of storms drastically increases, beginning in 1995. What changed in 1995? Was it global warming?

Nope. The director of the National Hurricane Center, Doctor Bob Sheets, retired in 1995. The director of the NHC sets the criteria by which storms are classified. Politics, or science?

You decide.

The Big Guy

Remember when the left said that Trump was Putin’s stooge? Remember when Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline in order to save the environment? Do you also recall how Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukranian energy company, even though he has no experience with oil, doesn’t even speak the language, and is completely unqualified for the job?

So explain to me how it is that Biden waives sanctions so that a Russian oil company owned by Vladimir Putin can build a pipeline. Was this because Trump was a Russian stooge, or was it to save the environment, or perhaps it was because ten percent goes to the big guy?


The story is that honey is contaminated with nuclear radiation. OMG! Panic. The press loves them a scare story. Radiation is scary because most people don’t understand it, can’t sense it, and know it can kill. Look at the facts, and understand them. Then you can see how ridiculous it is:

The highest level of contamination was detected to be 19.1 becquerels per kilogram. A becquerel is one decaying atom per second. So in this case, there were 19.1 atoms decaying per second in each kilogram of honey. The average American eats half a kilogram of honey per year.

The atom that is responsible for this detected radiation is Radiocesium, or Cesium-137, which has a half life of 30.17 years. Nearly all of it decays by Beta emission (emitting an electron) into Barium-137m, which itself decays 153 seconds later by emitting a fast photon in the form of a gamma ray.

How much Cesium-137 is 19 becquerels? The average human contains 100 Becquerels of radioactive materials per kilogram, mainly due to Potassium 40 and Carbon 14. These are natural, background radiation sources, and are always around. In fact, there are a host of things in your home that are far more radioactive than this honey (source– PDF warning):

  • Coffee 1000 Bq/kg
  • Phosphate fertilizer 5000 Bq/kg
  • Ionization Smoke detector 3000 Bq

Anything that has Potassium and Carbon in it will contain radioactive isotopes of those two elements. Even the air itself. In short, 1 kg of honey is far more likely to present a danger of diabetes than it is a danger of radiation. This is just another example of sensationalist journalism.

But science! In this case, the press is using ignorance to scare people into reading their pseudoscientific nonsense.