To your local adult movie store. Starring Paul Pelosi, the film is called Straight outta SanFran. It’s about a man who is having a gay love affair with a homeless man while his rich and powerful wife is out of town plotting to take over the world. Numerous gay love scenes, there is no real plot. I mean, who is going to believe that a man armed with a hammer is on a suicide mission? How would you even commit suicide with a hammer? Everyone is ugly. Produced by Capitol Hill Police Films. Shot on location in San Francisco.
Seriously, is there anyone in the senior ranks of our government who isn’t a either a sexual degenerate or a criminal?
BobF · November 4, 2022 at 7:26 am
That IS a rhetorical question, correct?
exile1981 · November 4, 2022 at 8:41 am
I noticed that paul looked fine considering he had ‘head surgery’ in his release from the hospital.
Skeptic · November 4, 2022 at 9:30 am
That’s gotta be the most elaborate and absurd explanation for faggotry gone wrong that I’ve ever seen.
Steve S6 · November 4, 2022 at 9:38 am
That would be “and/or”. Sexual degenerate and criminal are not mutually exclusive.
Anonymous · November 4, 2022 at 6:37 pm
Seriously, is there anyone in the senior ranks of our government who isn’t a either a sexual degenerate or a criminal?
Suppose you were watching a gangster movie about an organized criminal gang like the Mafia. Would you expect there to be any senior members who hadn’t “made their bones”, meaning to kill someone so they could be blackmailed with that crime to keep them loyal?
Why do you think the J. Edgar Hoover FBI collected blackmail material for decades? Hoover didn’t retire a millionaire with a yacht, so he wasn’t making use of it. Is the FBI still collecting blackmail material, and whatever happened to the Wiener and Biden laptops? Epstein didn’t kill himself. His conspirator was convicted of supplying underage prostitutes to nobody. One prostitute was a witness in court and nobody thought to ask who her Johns were.
The difference between an organized criminal gang’s protection racket and a government, is that the government has a state religion to lie that it’s not a protection racket. In the US, the civic religion is promulgated by the established church, the public school system. I’m glad you’re no longer a priest in that evil church.
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