Press supports weapon sales

The quote of the day comes from Rolling Stone magazine:

“When safety is on the line, you want the absolute best product in your hand” 

Of course, they aren’t talking about guns. The funny part is that some of their advice can get their readers tossed in jail. One of their quotes:

A stun gun, Angorn explains, is an easy — and legal — way to carry protection without having to carry an actual weapon.

So a Taser isn’t a weapon? This would reinforce the belief of some people that using a Taser on someone isn’t really that big of a deal.

Their “weapons expert” is an idiot. Some states, like Florida define a stun gun thusly:

“Electric weapon or device” means any device which, through the application or use of electrical current, is designed, redesigned, used, or intended to be used for offensive or defensive purposes, the destruction of life, or the infliction of injury.

“Dart-firing stun gun” means any device having one or more darts that are capable of delivering an electrical current.

This becomes a problem when you look at the laws concerning the carrying of electric weapons:

(b) A person who willfully and knowingly possesses any electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade or box cutter, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, in violation of this subsection commits a felony of the third degree

I am assuming that the readers of Rolling Stone are not any more familiar with the maze of laws concerning the carrying of weapons than are the people who advise and write articles for them.

Armed Insurrection

Politico published a story that talked about the Oath Keepers having “stashed” weapons in a Virginia hotel during the January 6 protest, as if they were up to something nefarious. The entire trope was put in place by the government and their lackeys in the press.

The reality is exactly the opposite. It is virtually illegal for anyone to have firearms in Washington, DC. So the protesters followed the law, leaving their firearms in the nearest location where it was legal for them to be. They rented a hotel in nearby Virginia, stashed the weapons there with a person tasked to ensure they didn’t fall into the wrong hands, and proceeded into Washington for the protest.

Instead of proving some nefarious plot, it shows me that the people involved were doing what they could to comply with the law. If they were actually trying to overthrow the government, it was the worst plot ever.

It’s a fact

Demetrius Cox Jr was shot and killed a day after his 21st birthday, only a few hours after his mother bailed him out of the Osceola County jail, where he had been held since April on murder charges. At 21 years old, he was still a high school student at an Orange County private school that is located in Pine Hills, one of the most dangerous zip codes in the USA. He has been involved in at least three different gang-related shootings, including one that resulted in the death of a small child.

The family is blaming- you guessed it- gun owners for his death.

“This family said it wants gun violence to stop. “Stop the violence and find something else to do. It ain’t worth it. We’re all losing kids out here,” Burton said. “The gun violence is horrific since COVID,” Laster said. “It’s through the roof. Somebody needs to do something about this.”

Even people in the comments blaming guns while ignoring the truth:

Blacks make up 13% of the US population, but commit 45% of the homicides.

The facts are obvious to anyone who chooses to look at them without bias:

  • Black males are the victim of homicide 10 to 20 times more often than any other demographic
  • Black males commit homicides 15 to 35 times more often than any other demographic
  • Black males commit armed robbery 10 to 15 times more often whites
  • Most crime is committed by perpetrators who are the same race as their victims
  • More than 90% of homicides where the victim is black, so is their killer

It would be easy to take a racist slant, but I don’t think that blacks are inherently more violent or prone to crime. Studies show that black children raised by non-black parents more closely model their non-white peers. Instead, I believe that the root cause lies in the disintegration of the black family. In black communities, we now have more than two out of every three black children growing up in single parent households. Compare that to white children, where three out of four grow up having two parents in the family. In 1960, that was where black families were: 22% of black children were in single parent homes.

In other words, children growing up raising themselves are growing up without the guidance and direction that having a parent around provides. Children model the behavior of their role models. This is how we learn to comply with societal norms. When they are young, those role models are their parents. As they approach the teenage years, those role models become their peers. When there are no parents around, the young children model the behavior of the only others that they see: older kids.

So the black community has as its role model the leaders of street gangs. Criminals. This has been the case for nearly four generations. Solve the increasing problems of dads leaving as soon as a woman gets pregnant, and you solve the problems of our society. Of course this will never happen, because the people who could solve it are instead selling away the American nuclear family in exchange for votes. As long as we continue to subsidize single mothers, we will get more of them, which in turn will erode our society even further.

Gun free zone signs don’t work

A shooting at AdventHealth Celebration. That is a failure of gunfree zone signs. As I have posted before, that hospital has signs up.

The sign is misleading. Chapter 790 only prohibits weapons and firearms in a pharmacy, and even so, law enforcement and those licensed to carry concealed weapons are exempt. Since you are prohibited from carry firearms unless you fall into either of those categories, that particular law is redundant. There are no laws prohibiting a person with a concealed weapons permit from carrying a weapon in a hospital, nor do signs carry the force of law in this state.

Even so, the law prohibiting weapons in a pharmacy does not extend to the entire hospital, just to the portion of the hospital that is the pharmacy. This sign is deliberately misleading, which indicates to me that the SDA church (who owns the hospital) is being less than honest when it comes to this signage.

I ignore the sign and enter with my weapon anyway, and so do the criminals, apparently.