The war expands

A Daytona Beach Police officer radioed that he was checking out a suspicious vehicle. That was the last heard from him. He didn’t answer a routine radio check, and fellow officers found him with a gunshot wound to the head. He remains in critical condition.

The police soon released body cam video. There is now a nationwide manhunt for the shooter, which the FBI has joined. The wanted man is Othal Wallace, who is known to be a member of the New Black Panther Party and the Not Fucking Around Coalition, the black terrorist group that wants to take over Texas, a group I have blogged about before. Here he is at two different NFAC events:

According to a Facebook post by attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz, Wallace also recently joined the New Black Panther Party. Shabazz, in a now-deleted June 15 post, “I would like to welcome the young warrior O-Zone Wallace into the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense under our new leadership. Brother O-Zone, a Florida man, is a good man with serious field experience. Brother O-Zone respects me and my history and I respect him. I predict Brother Warrior O-Zone Wallace will be instrumental in the re-building of the New Black Panther Party and the entire movement at large.”

This is the second time in the past week that a BLM affiliate has shot a police officer. Is this a continuation of the war that was begun last year? If so, this is the first time that kinetic action has been carried out in Florida. Stay frosty, things continue to escalate. Carry a weapon everywhere. Be aware of your surroundings.

US Casualty List

Killed directly by political violence since May 26, 2020: 34

Below is a listing of those killed as a result of ongoing political violence. Manner of death and affiliation, if known, is listed. Yet another big job that may not be comprehensive and may have errors. Sorry, difficult to get the truth in some cases.

May 27, 2020

  • Calvin Horton Jr. Minneapolis killed by BLM/Antifa

May 30, 2020:

  • Chris Beaty, shot by BLM/Antifa forces in Indianapolis
  • Dorian Murrell, shot Indianapolis, maybe apolitical street violence 
  • James Scurlock Omaha- BLM/Antifa shot while engaged in looting.
  • Barry Perkins St Louis, run over by FedEx truck while blocking road as a part of BLM/Antifa
  • Dave Patrick Underwood shot in Underwood, CA. Federal Security Guard

May 31, 2020:

  • Marvin Francois Kansas City, shot and killed by BLM/Antifa
  • John Tiggs, Chicago area shot by apparent BLM/Antifa forces
  • Myqwon Blanchard Chicago area shot by apparent BLM/Antifa forces

June 1, 2020

  • David McAtee, Louisville, BLM//Antifa, shot by National Guard
  • Italia Kelly, Davenport, IA shot during ambush by fellow BLM/Antifa member
  • Marquis Tousant, Davenport, IA, shot during ambush by fellow BLM/Antifa member
  • Jorge Gomez member of BLM/Antifa, shot by Las Vegas police. A police officer was shot in the head at the same incident, but was not killed
  • Jose Gutierrez shot by BLM/Antifa in Cicero, Ill.
  • Victor Cazares Jr.  shot by BLM/Antifa in Cicero, Ill.

June 2, 2020:

  • David Dorn. shot by BLM/Antifa forces in St. Louis.
  • Unidentified male. in Philadelphia BLM/Antifa, shot while looting.
  • Unidentified male. in Philadelphia BLM/Antifa, killed by his own explosives while trying to blow open an ATM
  • Sean Monterrosa. in Vallejo, Calif. BLM/Antifa, shot by police

June 5, 2020:

  • Javar Harrell. Detroit. Shot.

June 7, 2020:

  • Robert Forbes. in Bakersfield, Calif. Hit by a car while engaged in blocking a road as a member of BLM/Antifa

June 20, 2020:

  • Horace Anderson. in Seattle autonomous zone. Shot. BLM/Antifa

June 27, 2020:

  • Tyler Gerth. Louisville. Journalist killed by BLM/Antifa member

June 29, 2020:

  • Antonio Mays Jr. in Seattle. Shot in the autonomous zone. BLM/Antifa

July 3, 2020:

  • Summer Taylor. Seattle. Struck by vehicle while engaged in blocking a highway as a part of BLM/Antifa forces.

July 4, 2020:

  • Secoriea Turner. in Atlanta. Age 8. Killed when her vehicle was ambushed by BLM/Antifa in a roadblock

July 5, 2020

  • Jessica Doty-Whitaker ambushed, shot by BLM/Antifa members

July 25, 2020

  • Garrett Foster. BLM/Antifa member shot when he pointed an AK at an armed off duty soldier working as an Uber driver

August 25, 2020

  • Joseph Rosenbaum BLM/Antifa member killed in a firefight by Kyle Rittenhouse
  • Anthony Huber, BLM/Antifa member killed in a firefight by Kyle Rittenhouse

August 29, 2020:

  • Aaron Danielson MAGA in Portland. Shot and killed in an ambush by Reinoehl.

September 3, 2020:

  • Michael Reinoehl Near Seattle, WA. Suspect in Danielson killing, was shot by police. BLM/Antifa member.

October 10, 2020

  • Lee Keltner Denver had MAGA ties shot and killed by an “unlicensed security guard” with ties to Antifa

January 6, 2021

  • Ashli Babbitt MAGA shot by Capitol Hill police

  • Red= BLM/Antifa member
  • Green= killed while serving Government Forces
  • Blue= MAGA affiliated

Danger Zones page

I am adding a new page to the links at the top of this blog. It is my intent to track the violent acts that are being perpetrated by the BLM/Antifa folks. If any of you have any stories or news about insurgent violence, let me know in the comments there. Thanks.

Here are my proposals for rating the various zones. In order from least to most danger:

Zone 1: Increased vigilance and awareness
These cities are ones where violent leftist extremists are known to have caused political violence in the past.

Zone 2: Risk of Violent protests with local official cooperation

Zone 2 cites have seen recent violence, with local authorities either refusing to intervene or even actively assisting those committing violent acts.

Zone 3: Deadly force used by insurgents in at least one incident

Zone three cities are areas where violent protests and riots have taken place and the rioters have employed deadly force with little to no attempt at mitigating response from local authorities.

Zone 4: Disputed Territory

Zone 4 zones are those where deadly force has been used to kill and/or seriously injure anyone who the insurgents feel are not sufficiently sympathetic or supportive of their goals. Government authority has either effectively or openly sided with the insurgents and is providing them with active support.

Zone 5: Occupied Zones
Areas in zone 5 are areas where the government has ceded or lost all control and/or has openly declared that they cannot and will not provide basic government services like police, fire, and EMS. These areas are completely out of legitimate governmental control and can best be described as being behind enemy lines.

Let’s begin by assuming that every blue county contains significant numbers of violent communists and work from there.

Thought exercise

Just a thought exercise here.

The BLM/Antifa people have organized and designed their protests to take advantage of the rules that society and the police have. They do things the way that they do, and they are as effective as they are because the rules say that society and the police MUST respond in a certain way. They know that they can do what they do, because they know that there are no real repercussions for their actions.

But what happens when the rules change? What if there were a group of people who decided that they have had enough? Or what happens if they export their violent bullshit into an area where the locals DON’T do what is expected of them? In other words, when people have had enough and the switch gets flipped, what then?

Read this article, think about the tactics they have used so far, then come back here. Go ahead, I will wait right here until you are done.

So hear me out. It seems to me like there are a couple of glaring weaknesses here. One is, as a crowdsourced movement, they announce their actions ahead of time, so the followers know where they are needed for the next peaceful protest. Suppose that some opponent knew this, and then used that foreknowledge to prepare the area. Say, an old junk car filled with ANFO, parked next to the location, left there the day before. It could be command detonated, or could simply self initiate when tampered with. To ensure that it is tampered with, it could be covered in Trump or “Blue Line” stickers.

Or suppose some belligerent found out the location of the REAL attack, the one that the main demonstration was intended to be the distraction for, and simply set up an ambush? Say, three or four guys with firepower that would open up on the Antifa unit. These ambushers could be backed up with a fire support team, just in case the ambush team ran into something unexpected and needed covering fire to disengage. Antifa shows up to vandalize a police station while the cops are busy on the other side of town, and as soon as they begin their attack, some unknown party opens fire on them from a nearby building. Four or five of them are shot, and the shooters disappear, only leaving 100 or so pieces of generic factory brass behind.

Use your imagination. How much would such a rule change send a message? What would follow?

The Collapse

For those who read this blog last year while it was still on blogger, you may remember the “Danger Zones” list– the list of places where BLM/Antifa insurgents had gotten violence. Many of the cities that saw violence last year have calmed down since the election and the list isn’t applicable any longer.

However, in light of the reports coming out of Portland detailing how Antifa is pulling drivers out of vehicles at gunpoint, I still think that the advice for Zones 4 and 5 applies, with slightly modified definitions:

Zone 5: Occupied Zones
Areas in zone 5 are areas where the government has ceded or lost all control and has openly declared that they cannot and will not provide basic government services like police, fire, and EMS. These areas are completely out of governmental control and can best be described as being behind enemy lines. Anyone in this area is advised to leave immediately, even if this means abandoning property.

Minnesota: Minneapolis in the area of 38th street and Chicago Avenue (the area called “George Floyd Square”)

Oregon: Portland

Zone 4: Disputed Territory

Zone 4 zones are those where deadly force has been used to kill and/or seriously injure anyone who the insurgents feel are not sufficiently sympathetic or supportive of their goals. Government authority has either effectively or openly sided with the insurgents and is providing them with active support. Anyone in these areas is advised that violence is occurring and will continue to occur in these areas, and for this reason the area should be avoided. Use of force in self defense will result in arrest. Anyone living in or near these areas is advised to leave as soon as arrangements can be made.

Oregon and Washington: The entire Interstate 5 corridor from the Canadian border south to Eugene, Oregon, with the exception of Portland (which is a Zone 5).